Manuscript (Caso [Issue]22832) _Inbox - moving a method to another protocol does not work

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Manuscript (Caso [Issue]22832) _Inbox - moving a method to another protocol does not work

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Pablo Tesone resolved Case 22832: moving a method to another protocol does not work and assigned it to Stephane Ducasse:
Bug in Project:  _Inbox: Not Spam  •  You are subscribed to this case
It was resolved with the inclusion of the new Calypso version.
Status changed:
Work Needed  changed to  Resolved (Fixed)

Assigned To changed:
Everyone  changed to  Stephane Ducasse

Priority Priority: 2 – Really Important Status Status: Resolved (Fixed)
Assigned To Assigned to: Stephane Ducasse Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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