Manuscript (Dossier [Issue]21377) Rubric - Format methods from the suggestion menu in a debugger leads to a DNU

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Manuscript (Dossier [Issue]21377) Rubric - Format methods from the suggestion menu in a debugger leads to a DNU

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
CyrilFerlicot opened Case 21377: Format methods from the suggestion menu in a debugger leads to a DNU and assigned it to AndreiChis:
Bug in Project:  Rubric: Misc  •  You are subscribed to this case
On windows with my layout of keyboard there is some bug and I cannot format with the normal shortcut. To compensate I use the suggestion menu we can open via ctrl + t to format. But, doing that in a debugger leads to an error: «Instance of RubScrolledTextModel did not understand #formatSourceCode»

RubScrolledTextModel(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #formatSourceCode
[ | selArgCount |
"show cursor in case item opens a new MVC window"
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [ target perform: selector ]
ifFalse: [ selArgCount = arguments size
ifTrue: [ target perform: selector withArguments: arguments ]
ifFalse: [ target perform: selector withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt) ].
self showShortcut ].
self changed ] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: in Block: [ | selArgCount |...
Priority Priority: 3 – Must Fix Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: AndreiChis Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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