Manuscript (Fall [Issue]22503) Tools - Pharo Launcher - volume/path of location is not variable and raise an error

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Manuscript (Fall [Issue]22503) Tools - Pharo Launcher - volume/path of location is not variable and raise an error

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Bug in Project:  Tools: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
- missing:

inside the debugger window: a menu item -> print/copyToClipboard stacktrace

- Using the Launcher on a USB stick:

The problem is that the device is changing

step 1: install the Launcher on another device/path (calling pharo-launcher-1.4.msi)

step 2: start the PharoLauncher and open the Settings
- change the pathes of: images and vms (create a new one)

step 3: create an image via the PharoLauncher
- the image and the vms are placed on the righ folders

step 4: start the created image
- somme error messages are raised, can not read all so fast

step 5: open the Pharo Settings - system
- location seems to be ok

step 6: save the image and exit(save) the launcher

step 7: start the launcher again
- debugger is upcomming with the message:

You need to manually relocate your images from C:\PharoX\images to C:\Users\Werner\Documents\Pharo\images
- select proceed and all works ok

step 8: starting the image
- all works ok

step 9: switching the device
- location

step 10: try to change the location to '.\xxx'
- will will always be replaced by 'X:\' so that the device is not variable

step x. pharo-launcher-1.4.msi - select remove
- could notify what is removed
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Later

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