Mapping graphs on a open street map

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Mapping graphs on a open street map


Several times we were asked how to map chart and graph on top of a geographical map. Here is a short example. Hope it is useful to someone.
v := RTView new.
map := RTOSM new.
e := map element.

v add: e.

paris := 48.8567 @ 2.3508.
newyork := 40.7127 @ -74.0059.
london := 51.507222@ -0.1275.
v @ RTDraggableView.
data := { { paris . { 10 . 5 . 10 . 3 . 10 .6 . 8 } }.
{london . { 5 . 3 .3 . -5 } } .
{newyork . { 5 . -2 . 10 . 15 . -10 }}  }.
data do: [ :tupple |
| grapher dataSet |
grapher := RTGrapher new.
grapher extent: 150 @ 100.
dataSet := RTStackedDataSet new 
points: tupple second.
dataSet barShape width: 10; color: Color red.
grapher add: dataSet.

grapher axisY.
grapher axisX noLabel; noTick.
grapher build.

allGraphElements := grapher view elements.
v addAll: allGraphElements.
allGraphElements translateTo: (map latLonToRoassal: tupple first)
v canvas camera translateTo: (map latLonToRoassal: paris).
v canvas camera noInitializationWhenOpen.
v canvas camera scale: 0.1.


Alexandre Bergel