> More or less exactly the same..except the syntax..
I think the syntax in my XMLWriter package is more oriented towards clean
Smalltalk, while yours reminds me on some cryptic languages I used
in the past ;)
What does #mbAttr: mean, "markup builder" or "my bytes" or ...?
I will never understand why people invent languages to save
bytes in writing/typing...especially after autocompletion was invented.
>see means of merging the frameworks for best use..
I doubt I will accept this syntax style. So it is better when you
provide an own package.
An additional idea:
I can also imagine another kind of XMLBuilder where one can use the
DNU trick to write any tag (with all the pro and cons of the DNU hack):
builder := XMLBuilder xml.
builder person: [
name: 'Luke';
planet: 'Moon' number: 12]
builder xml
then results in
<planet number="12">Moon</planet>
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