There are a number of ways of doing this, a new TypeConverter for
example, but the easiest is probably to just create a new ValuePresenter
class. For example
- Add a new ValuePresenter class called ValidatedNumber (or whatever)
- Create a new view for the class. This will default to a ContainerView
so, in the VC, delete that and drop a TextEdit.Default view from the
toolbox. The onlu change is to set the #updatePerCharacter aspect to
true. Save the result as the defaultView for ValidatedNumber
- Add two instVars to the ValidatedNumber class named caretPosition and
- Add 3 methods
| string |
string := self value.
(string allSatisfy: [:each | '0123456789.-' includes: each])
ifFalse: [^self revert].
string isEmpty
((string includes: $-) and: [string first ~= $-])
ifTrue: [^self revert].
(string occurrencesOf: $-) < 2
ifFalse: [^self revert].
(string occurrencesOf: $.) < 2
ifFalse: [^self revert]].
textBuffer := string.
caretPosition := self view caretPosition.
^super onValueChanged
super onViewOpened.
textBuffer := self value.
caretPosition := self view caretPosition
Sound bell.
self value: textBuffer.
self view caretPosition: caretPosition - 1
You can try it out by evaluating ValidatedPresenter show (you can
resize it before editing). You should only, unless I've missed out some
test, be able to enter valid Integer and Float values (only using a
normal x.y format).
You can use the resulting class anywhere you would normally use a
NumberPresenter but when you want to populate/read the control you will
have to do the Text<>Number conversion yourself.
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