I was wondering if it was possible with the parse tree rewriter to match
a block parameter?
I would like to be able, for example, to rewrite:
`#() detect: #odd ifFound: [ :e | e ] ifNone: [ self toto ]`
`#() detect: #odd ifNone: [ self toto ]`
But I don't know how to express this rule with the rewrite rules of Pharo.
I tried multiple things such as:
'`@receiver detect: `@arg1 ifFound: [ `@arg2 | `@arg2 ] ifNone: `@arg3 '
-> '`@receiver detect: `@arg1 ifNone: `@arg3'
'`@receiver detect: `@arg1 ifFound: [ :`@arg2 | `@arg2 ] ifNone: `@arg3
' -> '`@receiver detect: `@arg1 ifNone: `@arg3'
Without sucess.
Is there a way to do that or is it a limitation of the rewrite syntax?
Cyril Ferlicot