Maximiza a window in MS-Windows

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Maximiza a window in MS-Windows

Hello i'm trying to maximize a window in MS-Windows. Is there any
primtive or method to do this?

I've made my own maximize method but it dosent work like I want :-(.

self moveTo: 0@0 resize: ((Screen default insetForTaskbar: Screen
default bounds ) extent

this implementation does not take into account the window decoration
border neither the OS task bar to positionate and resize, so it gets
out of the screen boundries.
In linux it seems to work, but it is beacuse of the X11 windows
manager i think...

if I modify the previous method by:

self moveTo: 0@0 resize: ((Screen default insetForTaskbar: nil ) extent

now it takes into account the Windows task bar but the window still
gets out of the top of the screen, and in Linux this method doesn't
work cause of the nil :-(.

Saludos Chiara

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Albert Einstein