Maximum number of rules in PetitParser?

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Maximum number of rules in PetitParser?

I have a grammar with about 600 rules. With some work I’ve come up with a useful subset of 400 rules. Unfortunately this is still more than the 255 number of instance variables that Pharo allows. Is there a way to have PetitParser use something other than instance variables to cache the rules? Especially something that works with PPBrowser?


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Re: Maximum number of rules in PetitParser?

Tudor Girba-2
One non-ideal solution is to split the parser into several classes inheriting from each other.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 6:26 AM, James Foster <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have a grammar with about 600 rules. With some work I’ve come up with a useful subset of 400 rules. Unfortunately this is still more than the 255 number of instance variables that Pharo allows. Is there a way to have PetitParser use something other than instance variables to cache the rules? Especially something that works with PPBrowser?



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Maximum number of rules in PetitParser?

Udo Schneider
In reply to this post by jgfoster

can you split the grammar into logical subgrammars? If yes PetitParser's
"dependent grammars"
might be helpful.



On 22/12/14 06:26, James Foster wrote:
> I have a grammar with about 600 rules. With some work I’ve come up with a useful subset of 400 rules. Unfortunately this is still more than the 255 number of instance variables that Pharo allows. Is there a way to have PetitParser use something other than instance variables to cache the rules? Especially something that works with PPBrowser?
> James