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Members introduction

3058 posts

I like the idea of a list to talk about smalltalk-business related stuff.

I'm Germán Arduino from Argentina, in software development from 1985 (IBM Mainframes at this
time). In 1991 I founded my own microISV [1] company named Arduino Software [2] where I develop
packaged and custom applications. And yes, other no- Smalltalk stuff are part of my business, as other development tools and web hosting and administration solutions.

I'm in Smalltalk from year 2000 approximately when I started searching a replacement for the tools
that I was using in such times (FoxPro/Visual FoxPro) and escape from Microsoft domain.

My main packaged product is a password and notes manager, called PasswordsPro [2] that is developed in
Dolphin Smalltalk (As Esteban, I also keep my own license).

Also I've some other products, mainly custom systems for different customers and markets [4]

I really love Smalltalk and I'm a contributor of Squeak, Pharo and lately Cuis, a Smalltalk forked from Squeak.

I developed lots of custom applications, the most that I can in some Smalltalk dialect (web and desktop)
and I prioritize highly the possibility of work in Smalltalk, so I'm open to be hired :)

About this list I would like to exchange ideas and feelings about the use of Smalltalk in business (all industries) and mainly in my business focus, the MicroISV world, but without exclude other interesting possibilities as the startups ecosystem for example.

Saludos / Regards,
Germán Arduino

Pharo-business mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Members introduction

3058 posts
I should have added the links also :)


2014-02-28 13:34 GMT-03:00 Germán Arduino <[hidden email]>:

I like the idea of a list to talk about smalltalk-business related stuff.

I'm Germán Arduino from Argentina, in software development from 1985 (IBM Mainframes at this
time). In 1991 I founded my own microISV [1] company named Arduino Software [2] where I develop
packaged and custom applications. And yes, other no- Smalltalk stuff are part of my business, as other development tools and web hosting and administration solutions.

I'm in Smalltalk from year 2000 approximately when I started searching a replacement for the tools
that I was using in such times (FoxPro/Visual FoxPro) and escape from Microsoft domain.

My main packaged product is a password and notes manager, called PasswordsPro [2] that is developed in
Dolphin Smalltalk (As Esteban, I also keep my own license).

Also I've some other products, mainly custom systems for different customers and markets [4]

I really love Smalltalk and I'm a contributor of Squeak, Pharo and lately Cuis, a Smalltalk forked from Squeak.

I developed lots of custom applications, the most that I can in some Smalltalk dialect (web and desktop)
and I prioritize highly the possibility of work in Smalltalk, so I'm open to be hired :)

About this list I would like to exchange ideas and feelings about the use of Smalltalk in business (all industries) and mainly in my business focus, the MicroISV world, but without exclude other interesting possibilities as the startups ecosystem for example.

Saludos / Regards,
Germán Arduino

Pharo-business mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Members introduction

434 posts
In reply to this post by garduino
The idea of the introduction is nice. 

You know probably my public appearance. Now what some of you may not know is that I really want to get business in smalltalk.
Because I believe that business is the best way to grow our language. 

I created http://www.synectique.eu and I will push push push and push. 
Synectique is selling advanced tools to help people controlling the pain in their software development (identifying duplicated code, 
create domain specific rules, understanding existing software….)
We have large insurance, military as client so far. 

So if you are in contact with companies having large software systems written in Java, C#, Ada, Smalltalk, Cobol, Progress, Abap, 4D, or some
strange languages and some pain (but everybody has) we can build dedicated tools to help them.

Pass the word. 

Passing the word is the first level of networking.


Pharo-business mailing list
[hidden email]