Menus and the PAI

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Menus and the PAI

Ian Bartholomew-3
Setting a context menu using the PAI seems to forget what you have set when
the PAI loses focus.

Start the VC on something that has a context menu in one of it's views
Select the context menu / items aspect in the PAI
Press the asterisk and select a new CommandMenuItem
Expand the new item, enter a command symbol and accept
Select any other view to change the contents of the PAI
Go back to the context menu and it has been reset to #noCommand


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Re: Menus and the PAI

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Setting a context menu using the PAI seems to forget what you have set
> the PAI loses focus.
> Start the VC on something that has a context menu in one of it's views
> Select the context menu / items aspect in the PAI
> Press the asterisk and select a new CommandMenuItem
> Expand the new item, enter a command symbol and accept
> Select any other view to change the contents of the PAI
> Go back to the context menu and it has been reset to #noCommand

Thanks Ian, this is #822.

It is probably something to do with the mutability of the aspects (at least
that was the case for the similar problem with a package's image stripper
when viewed from the package properties command).

