Merlin question

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Merlin question


I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
Consider the following script:

        | control firstPane lastPane part1 dropListPart part2 |
        control := WizardControl new.
        firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
        lastPane := WizardLastPane new.

        control addPane: firstPane; addPane: lastPane.
        "First pane: picking the configuration we are interested in"
        part1 := TextPart new inGroupboxNamed: 'Select the configuration you want to load versions from'.
        firstPane addPart: part1 associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration.
        dropListPart := DropListPart  new
                                        inGroupboxNamed: 'Configurations';
                                        list: self listOfConfigurations;
                                        useLatePopulateContents: false;
        firstPane row: dropListPart associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration2.
        "Second pane"
        part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
        lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions.
        "Open the controler"
        control open.
        ^ control

The problem is that I do not know how to initialize the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart in the second pane since I need the result of what I selected in part1. I tried to inspire myself from the merlin example #itemsSelectorPartUsing: , but without success.

So, how part2 can refer to the result selected in part1 ?

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Merlin question

Hi Alex.

I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:

AspectMapsUI >>importWizard

        "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
        "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
        | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
        wizard := WizardControl new.

        importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.

        " == aspect info pane == "
        aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
        filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
        filePart callback: [:fileName |
                        self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
        aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
        wizard addPane: aiPane.
        "== project select pane =="
        psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
        psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
        wizard addPane: psPane.
        "== java source select pane =="
        javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
        javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
        wizard addPane: javaPane.
        " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
        resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
        javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
        wizard addPane: resultPane.
        wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open

On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> Hi!
> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.

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Johan Fabry  
[hidden email] -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile

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Re: Merlin question

Stéphane Ducasse
Are you sure that you cannot get the result of the previous pane?
Because it looks strange to me.


On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
> "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
> "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
> | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
> wizard := WizardControl new.
> importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
> " == aspect info pane == "
> aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
> filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
> filePart callback: [:fileName |
> self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
> aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
> wizard addPane: aiPane.
> "== project select pane =="
> psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
> psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: psPane.
> "== java source select pane =="
> javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: javaPane.
> " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
> resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: resultPane.
> wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry  
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Re: Merlin question

Andre Hora

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
Are you sure that you cannot get the result of the previous pane?
Because it looks strange to me.
Yes, you can in some Parts. You can check the examples #multiSelectionItemsSelectorPartUsing: #itemsSelectorPartUsing: #parametrizedChexboxesUsing: #parametrizedDropListsUsing:.
The problem is that is not implemented for MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart.


On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
>       "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
>       "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
>       | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
>       wizard := WizardControl new.
>       importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
>       " == aspect info pane == "
>       aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
>       filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
>       filePart callback: [:fileName |
>                       self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
>       aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
>       wizard addPane: aiPane.
>       "== project select pane =="
>       psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
>       psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: psPane.
>       "== java source select pane =="
>       javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: javaPane.
>       " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
>       resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: resultPane.
>       wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Andre Hora

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Re: Merlin question

Sorry, I did not pay attention and I only answered to alex Here was the answer:

I think that here you should specify something like:

     lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions requiring: #selectedConfiguration2.

Like that the input of the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart get populated with output of the dropListPart. That means that the line:

     part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).

will work corectly.

Now, like andre said,  this is possible that this mechanism does not work well for 

I can have a look today

2011/10/18 Andre Hora <[hidden email]>

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
Are you sure that you cannot get the result of the previous pane?
Because it looks strange to me.
Yes, you can in some Parts. You can check the examples #multiSelectionItemsSelectorPartUsing: #itemsSelectorPartUsing: #parametrizedChexboxesUsing: #parametrizedDropListsUsing:.
The problem is that is not implemented for MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart.


On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
>       "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
>       "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
>       | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
>       wizard := WizardControl new.
>       importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
>       " == aspect info pane == "
>       aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
>       filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
>       filePart callback: [:fileName |
>                       self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
>       aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
>       wizard addPane: aiPane.
>       "== project select pane =="
>       psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
>       psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: psPane.
>       "== java source select pane =="
>       javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: javaPane.
>       " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
>       resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: resultPane.
>       wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Andre Hora

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Re: Merlin question

I just looked and indeed , for now, there is no 'easy' way to set a default list to a 'list-kind' part. The best for now is to do it like johan did.
I will check that today 

2011/10/18 Cyrille Delaunay <[hidden email]>
Sorry, I did not pay attention and I only answered to alex Here was the answer:

I think that here you should specify something like:

     lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions requiring: #selectedConfiguration2.

Like that the input of the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart get populated with output of the dropListPart. That means that the line:

     part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).

will work corectly.

Now, like andre said,  this is possible that this mechanism does not work well for 

I can have a look today

2011/10/18 Andre Hora <[hidden email]>

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
Are you sure that you cannot get the result of the previous pane?
Because it looks strange to me.
Yes, you can in some Parts. You can check the examples #multiSelectionItemsSelectorPartUsing: #itemsSelectorPartUsing: #parametrizedChexboxesUsing: #parametrizedDropListsUsing:.
The problem is that is not implemented for MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart.


On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
>       "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
>       "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
>       | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
>       wizard := WizardControl new.
>       importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
>       " == aspect info pane == "
>       aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
>       filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
>       filePart callback: [:fileName |
>                       self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
>       aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
>       wizard addPane: aiPane.
>       "== project select pane =="
>       psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
>       psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: psPane.
>       "== java source select pane =="
>       javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: javaPane.
>       " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
>       resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: resultPane.
>       wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Andre Hora

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Re: Merlin question

In reply to this post by abergel
Hi Cyrille,

Thanks for your help. This goes indeed in the right direction, however I have the impression I am now bumping into a bug.

Consider the following code:
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=
        | wizardControl  wizardPane1 wizardPane2  itemsSelectorsPart listPart aRenderer |
        aRenderer := MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new .
        wizardControl := WizardControl new.
        wizardControl renderer: aRenderer.
        wizardPane1 := WizardFirstPane new.
        wizardPane2 := WizardLastPane new.
        itemsSelectorsPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
                                                        initialList: #(item1 item2 item3 item4);
        listPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
                                        initialList: [:requiredInputs |
                                                (requiredInputs at: #selectedItems)
        wizardPane1 row: itemsSelectorsPart associatedTo: #selectedItems.
        wizardPane2 row: listPart requiring: {#selectedItems}.
                addPane: wizardPane1;
                addPane: wizardPane2.
        wizardControl open.
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=

This throws an error.
Shall I open an issue?


On 17 Oct 2011, at 14:45, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:

> Hello alex,
> 2011/10/17 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>
> Hi!
> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> Consider the following script:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>        | control firstPane lastPane part1 dropListPart part2 |
>        control := WizardControl new.
>        firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
>        lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
>        control addPane: firstPane; addPane: lastPane.
>        "First pane: picking the configuration we are interested in"
>        part1 := TextPart new inGroupboxNamed: 'Select the configuration you want to load versions from'.
>        firstPane addPart: part1 associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration.
>        dropListPart := DropListPart  new
>                                        inGroupboxNamed: 'Configurations';
>                                        list: self listOfConfigurations;
>                                        useLatePopulateContents: false;
>                                        yourself.
>        firstPane row: dropListPart associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration2.
>        "Second pane"
>        part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
>        lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions.
> I think that here you should specify something like:
>      lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions requiring: #selectedConfiguration2.
> Like that the input of the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart get populated with output of the dropListPart. That means that the line:
>      part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
> will work corectly.
> Does it answer to your question?
>        "Open the controler"
>        control open.
>        ^ control
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The problem is that I do not know how to initialize the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart in the second pane since I need the result of what I selected in part1. I tried to inspire myself from the merlin example #itemsSelectorPartUsing: , but without success.
> So, how part2 can refer to the result selected in part1 ?
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.

Alexandre Bergel

Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: Merlin question

In reply to this post by Andre Hora
> Are you sure that you cannot get the result of the previous pane?
> Because it looks strange to me.
> Yes, you can in some Parts. You can check the examples #multiSelectionItemsSelectorPartUsing: #itemsSelectorPartUsing: #parametrizedChexboxesUsing: #parametrizedDropListsUsing:.
> The problem is that is not implemented for MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart.

Yep, this is what I just discovered.


> On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Johan Fabry wrote:
> > Hi Alex.
> >
> > I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> >
> > AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
> >
> >       "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
> >       "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
> >       | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
> >       wizard := WizardControl new.
> >
> >       importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
> >
> >       " == aspect info pane == "
> >       aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
> >       filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
> >       filePart callback: [:fileName |
> >                       self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
> >
> >       aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
> >       wizard addPane: aiPane.
> >
> >       "== project select pane =="
> >
> >       psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
> >       psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> >       wizard addPane: psPane.
> >
> >       "== java source select pane =="
> >
> >       javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
> >       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> >       wizard addPane: javaPane.
> >
> >       " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
> >
> >       resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
> >       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> >       wizard addPane: resultPane.
> >
> >       wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> >
> > On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> >
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> >
> >
> >
> > ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> >
> > Johan Fabry
> > [hidden email] -
> > PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Moose-dev mailing list
> > [hidden email]
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> --
> Andre Hora
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Merlin question

In reply to this post by jfabry
Humm... I do not really understand what #projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs  is supposed to do.

How does the callback to modify the two panes?


On 17 Oct 2011, at 23:45, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
> "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
> "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
> | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
> wizard := WizardControl new.
> importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
> " == aspect info pane == "
> aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
> filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
> filePart callback: [:fileName |
> self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
> aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
> wizard addPane: aiPane.
> "== project select pane =="
> psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
> psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: psPane.
> "== java source select pane =="
> javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: javaPane.
> " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
> resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
> wizard addPane: resultPane.
> wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry  
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Merlin question

Let say you have two lists: listPart1 and listPart2 (one in a first pane and the other one on the second pane).
You can write something like:

    listPart1 callback: [:output |
       listPart2 list: {output}. 

I think you want to do something like that ?  
The right solution (not implemented for now) would be to have a method like:

     listPart2 defaultList: [:requiredInputs | .... ]

Like that we don't have to refer directly the other part

2011/10/18 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>
Humm... I do not really understand what #projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs  is supposed to do.

How does the callback to modify the two panes?


On 17 Oct 2011, at 23:45, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi Alex.
> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
>       "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
>       "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
>       | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
>       wizard := WizardControl new.
>       importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
>       " == aspect info pane == "
>       aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
>       filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
>       filePart callback: [:fileName |
>                       self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
>       aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
>       wizard addPane: aiPane.
>       "== project select pane =="
>       psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
>       psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: psPane.
>       "== java source select pane =="
>       javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: javaPane.
>       " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
>       resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
>       javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>       wizard addPane: resultPane.
>       wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry
> [hidden email] -
> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Merlin question

In reply to this post by abergel
Oops, sorry. Jetlag ... Here is what happens in the first callback to fillin the 2nd pane. Note that it adds a callback to fill in the 3rd pane (and this pattern repeats itself). The code is in the Squeaksource AspectMaps repository, if you want to see everything.

AspectMapsUI>>projectSelectFrom: aFilename forWizard: aWizard andConfig: aConfigCollection
        | psPane stream pnames projname |

        "aFilename is first processed to extract the names of the eclipse projects"
        pnames := OrderedCollection  new.
        stream := (CrLfFileStream fileNamed: aFilename).
        stream position: 0.
        stream nextLine. "skip 'Projects list'"
        [((projname := stream nextLine) = '')not] whileTrue:[pnames add: projname].
        stream close.
        aConfigCollection removeAll.
        psPane := aWizard wizardPanes at: 2.
        psPane removeAllParts.
        pnames do: [ :name | | cbx config|
                        config := AMImportConfig new projectName: name.
                        aConfigCollection add: config.
                        cbx := CheckboxPart new label: name.
                        cbx defaultValue: config doImport.
                        cbx callback: [ :state |
                                config doImport: state.
                                self changeJavaSourcePaneOf:  aWizard with: aConfigCollection.].
                        psPane row: cbx associatedTo: name.].

On 18 Oct 2011, at 11:26, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> Humm... I do not really understand what #projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs  is supposed to do.
> How does the callback to modify the two panes?
> Alexandre
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 23:45, Johan Fabry wrote:
>> Hi Alex.
>> I had similar problems for AspectMaps and was also surprised that Merlin did not have built-in flow of data between different panes. So I built a hack. What I do is to initialize the second pane with dummy data, and then have a callback of the first pane replace the dummy data with real data. The code that does this is below:
>> AspectMapsUI >>importWizard
>> "Second pane contents is actually built using callback of first pane"
>> "Third pane contents is actually built using callback of second pane"
>> | wizard aiPane psPane javaPane resultPane labelPart filePart importConfigs |
>> wizard := WizardControl new.
>> importConfigs := OrderedCollection new.
>> " == aspect info pane == "
>> aiPane := WizardFirstPane named: 'Please choose a .xcr aspect file.'.
>> filePart := (ChooseFilePart  new) validExtensions: #(xcr).
>> filePart callback: [:fileName |
>> self projectSelectFrom: fileName forWizard: wizard andConfig: importConfigs ].
>> aiPane row: filePart associatedTo: #aspectInfoFile.
>> wizard addPane: aiPane.
>> "== project select pane =="
>> psPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please select which projects to import'.
>> psPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>> wizard addPane: psPane.
>> "== java source select pane =="
>> javaPane := WizardMiddlePane named: 'Please provide Java data'.
>> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>> wizard addPane: javaPane.
>> " == last pane with report of what will be done == "
>> resultPane := WizardLastPane named: 'Will Import'.
>> javaPane row: (LabelPart on: 'This will be removed by the callback').
>> wizard addPane: resultPane.
>> wizard atEndDo: [ :outDict | self importProjects: importConfigs aspects: (outDict at: #aspectInfoFile) ]; open
>> On 17 Oct 2011, at 10:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
>> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
>> Johan Fabry  
>> [hidden email] -
>> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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Johan Fabry  
[hidden email] -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile

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