Message Catalogs

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Message Catalogs

Maarten Mostert-2

I have problems with 7.7 which doesn't seem to find my message catalogs within the normal structure once compiled into lbl files.

I tried to interupt Usermessage to investigate but this breaks the VW.

Has anyone faced this problem ?



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Re: Message Catalogs

Maarten Mostert-2
I just found the problem.


Le 24 mai 2010 à 11:12, Maarten Mostert a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have problems with 7.7 which doesn't seem to find my message catalogs within the normal structure once compiled into lbl files.
> I tried to interupt Usermessage to investigate but this breaks the VW.
> Has anyone faced this problem ?
> Regards,
> @+Maarten,
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