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Hi all,

Recently I have been working on some configurations, and I felt the need to have something better (more specific for configurations) to edit my configurations than the standard OB / Nautilus. On the PharoConf Doru told me about GTMetataceller, but this tool needed some work. So I did some work on it, and now I am looking for feedback how you like it. It is built in glamour, and you get it, when you download the latest Moose. Just type GTMetaceller open somewhere in the browser and you are ready to rock. If you know how Metacello works, the editor should be more or less self explaining. In case you run into trouble, there is a help button that explains the tool a bit.

I also did a screencast:

If you want to load this in your image, just do:

Gofer new
        url: '';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfGToolkit';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGToolkit) project development load.

(Smalltalk at: #GTMetaceller) open.

Note: I only tested this in Pharo 2.0, this loading does not work in Pharo 1.4. It should work in Pharo 1.4, since loading the GT-Metaceller package in Moose 4.7 works fine. I think I should create a stable version as well … that loads in Pharo 1.4 as well.

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Re: Metaceller

Tudor Girba-2
Hi Diego,

I did not forget about your announcement. I am still going through it. There are things that I would like changed, but nevertheless we now have a first robust solution for in-image configuration development.

I will come back with suggestions (and code modifications :)).


On Apr 26, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Diego Lont <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently I have been working on some configurations, and I felt the need to have something better (more specific for configurations) to edit my configurations than the standard OB / Nautilus. On the PharoConf Doru told me about GTMetataceller, but this tool needed some work. So I did some work on it, and now I am looking for feedback how you like it. It is built in glamour, and you get it, when you download the latest Moose. Just type GTMetaceller open somewhere in the browser and you are ready to rock. If you know how Metacello works, the editor should be more or less self explaining. In case you run into trouble, there is a help button that explains the tool a bit.
> I also did a screencast:
> If you want to load this in your image, just do:
> Gofer new
> url: '';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfGToolkit';
> load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGToolkit) project development load.
> (Smalltalk at: #GTMetaceller) open.
> Note: I only tested this in Pharo 2.0, this loading does not work in Pharo 1.4. It should work in Pharo 1.4, since loading the GT-Metaceller package in Moose 4.7 works fine. I think I should create a stable version as well … that loads in Pharo 1.4 as well.
> Cheers,
> Diego
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