After a short debug session I've found it:
Metacello extracts the repository type from the spec
(see #extractTypeFromDescription: method).
Either it begins with
ftp:// -> FTP is used
/ -> a directory is used
dictionary: -> a dictionary is used
In any other case the default "http" is used as type.
This is OK for directory names in unix and Mac, but not
on windows platforms. If you write "c:\temp\foo" it will
not catch the directory and set the type to http which is wrong.
A short workaround is to implement MetacelloPlatform>>extractTypeFromDescription:
like this:
extractTypeFromDescription: description
description == nil ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
((description beginsWith: '/') or: [description second = $:]) ifTrue: [ ^'directory' ].
(description beginsWith: 'dictionary://') ifTrue: [ ^'dictionary' ].
since on Windows you typically have the drive letter followed by a colon.
I can load my config then. Dale: can you include this for now?
However - this just works for absolute paths - not relative.
Maybe Monticello/Metacello should switch to "file://" for directory
repositories to stay platform independent in the future...
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