Mariano wrote:
>What about using "FileDirectory slash" ?
You dont seem to understand the issue. On Linux
and Mac you can write
in your spec but on Windows you will never start a
folder name with a slash since you typically write the drive
letter first:
Therefore the test in #extractTypeFromDescription: who checks
(description beginsWith: '/') ifTrue: [ ^'directory' ].
works only for mac/linux folders. For the Windows folder
name it will return false and therefore lead to an HTTP Repo
which later crashes since you can download from
http://c:/temp/fooBy extending #extractTypeFromDescription: like this
((description beginsWith: '/') or: [description second = $:]) ifTrue: [ ^'directory' ].
it will work on Windows too.
It's now fixed in Metacello-Core-tbn.362 on
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