[Mm10s] 2019-12-09

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[Mm10s] 2019-12-09

### Last week:

- [Release] Prepare Pharo8 release checklist.
- [vm] fixing problems on AIO interrupt and worker VMs
- [voyage] make unquiet backend to work with TFFI
- [objcbridge] make bridge to work with TFFI
- [Spec2+Gtk] Find a way to test search on Gtk backend (not directly, but I can simulate *after* the input of a character).

### This week (starting 2019-12-09):

- [Release] Organise issues that will enter in P8.
- [Release] Open Pharo 9.0 branch to start sending PRs not included in P8 there.
- [Spec2] Better search feature for Lists/Trees/Tables
- [Spec2] Fix radio buttons.

### Pipeline

- [Release] Pharo 8 Release.
- [VM] debug AIO and worker thread VMs on linux and windows.
- [NewTools] Create miller list paginator to make inspector panes more visible.
- [NewTools] Enhance Inspector (several tasks here).