[Mm10s] 2020-02-17

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[Mm10s] 2020-02-17

### Last week:

- [VM Idle] Fixing a deadlock when using sockets with the main thread worker
- [Doc] Pass on FFI booklet: Callback chapter / Preface
- [LargeImage] Remove Pragma from the menu of SystemWindows
- [LargeImage] Remove Pragma from the menus of ProcessBrowser
- [VM] Fix Travis build for Pharo-Project
- [VM] Promote to stable a new VM for Pharo 9: Including GC fix / Float fix
- Matteo presentation.
- [LargeImages] Reimplementing a faster Spotter backend (classes /
implementors / packages)
- [LargeImages] Removing useless Processors

### This week (starting 2020-02-17) (a.k.a. pipeline)

- [Pharo9] Propose a PR for Fuel to support Sista
- [VM] Fixing Tests in Idle
- [Doc] Pass on VM booklet: Callback chapter / Preface
- [VM] Documenting GC, participating in the GC code dojo.
- [LargeImages] Working on improving the speed and responsiveness of
large images.
- [VM] SDL Plugin for Idle
- [VM] Improving Speed of TFFI
- [VM] REPL example  / Interacting with an image from outside (?)
- [PharoCOM] Making it run with TFFI
- [VM] Writing tests for JIT generation

Pablo Tesone.
[hidden email]