Last week was not very productive because of reasons of public knowledge.
Also, because having the kids in home mades very difficult to keep work continuity.
### Last week:
* [spec2] add toolbar menubutton item (to allow menu-like dropdown).
* [spec2] toolbar buttons can now update icons and labels (they can be modified on runtime)
* [Spec2] align morphic and gtk side on different changes happened last months.
* [spec2] fix errors in SpCodePresenter while applying syntax highlight.
* [spec2] SpCodePresenter now uses new “Complishion” framework to provide code completion.
* [spec2] SpCodePresenter fixes to allow variable bindings (in case of playgrounds, etc.)
* [spec2] Some work with keybindings (unfinished), with the idea to allow KeyboardKey to provide also
an entry point to key combinations (so we can do Fkeys, for example).
* [calypso] fix a problem when user selects two methods by cmd+click on them
### This week (starting 2020-03-23):
* more on spec2 morphic->gtk3 alignment
* more on keybindings
* revamp callback exception mechanism to not crash the vm in certain cases (when working with GTK3 backend).
* work with Pablo on the Idle VM