[Mm10s] 2020-05-04

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[Mm10s] 2020-05-04

Esteban Lorenzano
### Last week:

(In fact, this is “last week” plus what I did during holidays, but well... ;) )

   * [Spec2] fix a bug while try to assign alignment in a paned layout. 
   * [spec2] code presenter now allow lineNumbers (maybe others to come?)
   * [spec2] syles can not be added/removed dinamically
   * [spec2] fix double print of shortcuts on morphic (not sure is correct, but it will work) 
   * Idle-VM: revamp debugger in callback mechanism
   * [spec2] fixed a regression (https://github.com/pharo-spec/Spec/issues/869)
   * [NewTools-Playground] playground needs to save last size used
   * [spec2] fix GtkMorphicUIManager. Now it should select correctly the manager.
   * [NewTools-Playground] fix bug: menus are showing incorrect shortcut (they were duplicated)
   * [spec2] added methods required by syntax highlight to code presenter (it was not working
   * [spec2] added a new SpPresenterSelectorPresenter (ugly name, but descriptive) to allow
   containers that will change its contents depending on a condition.
   * [spec2] bugfix: SpWindowResizing needs to inform old and new sizes in SpWindow (morphic).
   * [spec2] calling #asPresenter in #add:constraints to make sure dynamic-added presenters are
   actually presenters (since we can add also strings)
   * [NewTools-Playground] add bindings menu and fix bindings access. Add "shared" bindings concept.
   * [NewTools-Playground] documentation
   * [spec2] merged work on RichText (pillar) from Norbert
   * [spec2] created specdocs project to generate pillar docs (maybe this needs to be part of spec

### This week (starting 2020-05-04):

   * fixes on SpMenuPresenter and keybingdings for Gtk backend
   * new spec2 merge with Pharo 9.
   * work on new tools playground.