What's the difference between a ColorSelectorDialogWindow and a
TextEntryDialogWindow? I call them in the same way from a palette,
but the color dialog comes up over the palette, and the person
dialog below. Both palettes are in layer 20. The low layer number seems
to interfere with modality.
| dialog |
dialog := ColorSelectorDialogWindow new
title: 'Choose color';
selectedColor: self color;
setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: 18.
self openModal: dialog.
dialog cancelled
ifFalse: [self addMorphBack: (ColorWell on: dialog selectedColor)]
dialog := TextEntryDialogWindow new
textFont: UITheme current textFont;
title: 'Add person';
text: 'The email address';
entryText: '';
setProperty: #morphicLayerNumer toValue: 18.
self openModal: dialog.
dialog ifNil: [ ^self ].
(dialog cancelled or: [dialog entryText isNil]) ifFalse:
[self addMorphBack: (PersonWell on: dialog entryText)]