Julien Delplanque <
[hidden email]> writes:
> I am generating LaTeX using Pillar and I would like the
> 'pillarPostExport.sh'
> to compile my bibliography. So, the default 'pillarPostExport.sh' do:
> ...
> pdflatex output.tex
> pdflatex output.tex
> ...
> And I would like it to do:
> ...
> pdflatex output.tex
> bibtex biblio
> pdflatex output.tex
> pdflatex output.tex
> ...
> Is it possible to override the default LaTeX's compilation script
> from pillar.conf?
you can override the latexCommand parameter in this way (untested):
"latexCommand" : "pdflatex -halt-on-error -file-line-error -interaction batchmode {fileName} 2>&1 1>/dev/null
if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
tail -n 20 {fileNameWithoutExtension}.log
echo \"Can't generate the PDF!\"
exit 1
bibtex biblio"
This will unfortunately run bibtex twice, but that's probably acceptable.
Damien Cassou
http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill