Modifying a standard method

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Modifying a standard method

Fernando Rodriguez

I want to change a method in a standard class (String>>includesAnyOf:)
because I want ti to work with Strings as well as with Squeak's

After changing it, I was planning to move it to anotjer package (so I
don't lose it when I upgrade my Dolphin system). What will happen when
I upgrade Dolphin and I have 2 methods with the same name in different

What's the best way to handle this sort of situations?

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Re: Modifying a standard method
Fernando Rodriguez wrote:

> After changing it, I was planning to move it to anotjer package (so I
> don't lose it when I upgrade my Dolphin system). What will happen when
> I upgrade Dolphin and I have 2 methods with the same name in different
> packages?
> What's the best way to handle this sort of situations?

If by 2 packages, you mean OA's package and yours, then say if you
install your package into a fresh D6 system, your method will again
replace OA's version. Anyway, what is important is when you deploy a
ToGo application which needs that method, you need to make sure that
your package is listed under the requisites. The package will not be
automatically included if only its loose methods are used.
