Moen tree

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Moen tree

Chris Uppal-3
[Apologies if you see this message twice -- OE's playing up]

I thought I'd seen someone mention this before, but I can't find it now.  So
I'll risk duplicating it.

In the Class Hierarchy Diagram double-clicking in the background gives a
walkback.  Apparently because ClassSelector>>browseIt command assumes that
it is only invoked when there is a selection.

    -- chris

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Re: Moen tree

Blair McGlashan
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> [Apologies if you see this message twice -- OE's playing up]
> I thought I'd seen someone mention this before, but I can't find it now.
> I'll risk duplicating it.
> In the Class Hierarchy Diagram double-clicking in the background gives a
> walkback.  Apparently because ClassSelector>>browseIt command assumes that
> it is only invoked when there is a selection.

Thanks Chris, this has been fixed by #594 "MoenTreeView forwards
#actionPerformed to presenter on double click even if no selection"

