Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

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Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Holger Freyther

I tried to reach the author for several weeks but he doesn't seem to respond so I am trying to reach a wider audience to either confirm my suspicion or to be corrected. In!/~MongoTalkTeam/mongotalk/diff/Mongo-BSON-HenrikSperreJohansen.43 

the following change is done:

+ "digitAdd: wraps around to 0 when result would overflow"
+ ^ counter := counter
+ ifNil:[self newCounter]
+ ifNotNil:[counter digitAdd: 1]!
- ^ counter := (counter + 1) \\ 16rFFFFFF!

The old code has overflow checking, the new code makes a statement I don't think is true. counter is LargePositiveInteger new: 3 to use three bytes. So given the above code and the experiment (yes I could just add a bigger number)

| id |
id := LargePositiveInteger.
1 to: (16777215 + 50) do: [:each |
        id := id digitAdd: 1].

Given the comment it should overflow and the value be 50? This is not what the result is. So shall the truncation be added again or at least the comment be updated? The code will go from LargePositiveInteger to SmallInteger when overflowing from three to four bytes but luckily

        replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: self class counterNext startingAt: 1

will even work when counterNext returns a SmallInteger. But given the old code and the comment in the new code this is does not seem to function as intended?

kind regards

PS: The other part is that >>#newCounter doesn't seem to be ever executed. On first load >>#initialize will call >>#reset and on >>#shutDown: calls reset. So the code to "randomize" the initial counter doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Henrik Sperre Johansen
Hi Holger, sorry, I'm not good at responding to unsorted email in a timely manner :/

The comment is inaccurate, the wraparound relates to how the number is used in OID >> #initialize, not the number itself.

lp := LargePositiveInteger new: 3.
lp at: 1 put: 255; at: 2 put: 255; at: 3 put: 255.
lp := lp digitAdd: 1.
(ByteArray new: 3) replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: lp startingAt: 1; yourself

So the number will keep on growing, but for the purposes of our use, it wraps around.


> On 30 May 2016, at 9:57 , Holger Freyther <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to reach the author for several weeks but he doesn't seem to respond so I am trying to reach a wider audience to either confirm my suspicion or to be corrected. In
> the following change is done:
> + "digitAdd: wraps around to 0 when result would overflow"
> + ^ counter := counter
> + ifNil:[self newCounter]
> + ifNotNil:[counter digitAdd: 1]!
> - ^ counter := (counter + 1) \\ 16rFFFFFF!
> The old code has overflow checking, the new code makes a statement I don't think is true. counter is LargePositiveInteger new: 3 to use three bytes. So given the above code and the experiment (yes I could just add a bigger number)
> | id |
> id := LargePositiveInteger.
> 1 to: (16777215 + 50) do: [:each |
> id := id digitAdd: 1].
> id.
> Given the comment it should overflow and the value be 50? This is not what the result is. So shall the truncation be added again or at least the comment be updated? The code will go from LargePositiveInteger to SmallInteger when overflowing from three to four bytes but luckily
>>> #value
> ...
> replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: self class counterNext startingAt: 1
> will even work when counterNext returns a SmallInteger. But given the old code and the comment in the new code this is does not seem to function as intended?
> kind regards
> holger
> PS: The other part is that >>#newCounter doesn't seem to be ever executed. On first load >>#initialize will call >>#reset and on >>#shutDown: calls reset. So the code to "randomize" the initial counter doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Henrik Sperre Johansen
A few more comments below; I'm not seeing the things you describe when testing in my image...

>> | id |
>> id := LargePositiveInteger.
>> 1 to: (16777215 + 50) do: [:each |
>> id := id digitAdd: 1].
>> id.
>> Given the comment it should overflow and the value be 50? This is not what the result is. So shall the truncation be added again or at least the comment be updated? The code will go from LargePositiveInteger to SmallInteger when overflowing from three to four bytes

On which VM does it overflow to SmallInteger? I've never seen this, on the one I tested the expression in last mail, the "overflowing" digitAdd: returned a 4-byte LargePositiveInteger.

>> but luckily
>>>> #value
>> ...
>> replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: self class counterNext startingAt: 1
>> will even work when counterNext returns a SmallInteger. But given the old code and the comment in the new code this is does not seem to function as intended?

Are you sure?
On my VM,
(ByteArray new: 3) replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: 16r1FFFFFF startingAt: 1
gives an "Instances of SmallInteger are not indexable" error...

>> PS: The other part is that >>#newCounter doesn't seem to be ever executed. On first load >>#initialize will call >>#reset and on >>#shutDown: calls reset. So the code to "randomize" the initial counter doesn't seem to work.

OID class >> #initialize adds the class to the shutdown list, so it *should* call shutDown: whenever the image is saved&quit.
newCounter should then be called on first request after startup, since machineIdentifier is set to nil by reset.


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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Henrik Sperre Johansen

> On 30 May 2016, at 5:49 , Henrik Johansen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> PS: The other part is that >>#newCounter doesn't seem to be ever executed. On first load >>#initialize will call >>#reset and on >>#shutDown: calls reset. So the code to "randomize" the initial counter doesn't seem to work.
> What?
> OID class >> #initialize adds the class to the shutdown list, so it *should* call shutDown: whenever the image is saved&quit.
> newCounter should then be called on first request after startup, since machineIdentifier is set to nil by reset.

/doh, I see it now.
reset should do

counter := nil, not
counter := LargePositiveInteger new: 3 .

PEBKAC when rewriting the old

counter := 0

reset code, I'm afraid :/


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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Henrik Sperre Johansen
In reply to this post by Henrik Sperre Johansen

> On 30 May 2016, at 5:49 , Henrik Johansen <[hidden email]> wrote:
> A few more comments below; I'm not seeing the things you describe when testing in my image...
>>> | id |
>>> id := LargePositiveInteger.
>>> 1 to: (16777215 + 50) do: [:each |
>>> id := id digitAdd: 1].
>>> id.
>>> Given the comment it should overflow and the value be 50? This is not what the result is. So shall the truncation be added again or at least the comment be updated? The code will go from LargePositiveInteger to SmallInteger when overflowing from three to four bytes
> On which VM does it overflow to SmallInteger? I've never seen this, on the one I tested the expression in last mail, the "overflowing" digitAdd: returned a 4-byte LargePositiveInteger.
It's starting to come back to me; IIRC, + will normalize results to SmallIntegers, digitAdd: will not.

I thought it would be nice to use a single
call to insert the entire counter; however, I didn't bench that particular part.

So while the rewrite overall gained a small amount of speed, it turns out digitAdd: is quite slow (even though it's a primitive), so reverting to using Smallinteger arithmetic for the counter, and inserting the counter a digit at a time is most likely worth it:

"Pharo4, LargeInteger counter"
[OID new] bench '1,194,004 per second'

"Pharo4, reverted to SmallInteger counter"
[OID new] bench '1,681,203 per second'

The relevant changes should be present in attachment.


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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Holger Freyther

> On 30 May 2016, at 19:03, Henrik Johansen <[hidden email]> wrote:


> It's starting to come back to me; IIRC, + will normalize results to SmallIntegers, digitAdd: will not.

not with Pharo5:

((LargePositiveInteger new: 3) digitAdd: SmallInteger maxVal - 10) class
=> SmallInteger

> I thought it would be nice to use a single
> replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
> call to insert the entire counter; however, I didn't bench that particular part.

yes, it is nice

> So while the rewrite overall gained a small amount of speed, it turns out digitAdd: is quite slow (even though it's a primitive), so reverting to using Smallinteger arithmetic for the counter, and inserting the counter a digit at a time is most likely worth it:
> "Pharo4, LargeInteger counter"
> [OID new] bench '1,194,004 per second'
> "Pharo4, reverted to SmallInteger counter"
> [OID new] bench '1,681,203 per second'

cool! Change looks good but please remove the obsolete >>#digitAdd: comment.

thanks a lot!!

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Re: Mongo-BSON OID LargePositiveInteger increase

Henrik Sperre Johansen

On 31 May 2016, at 11:44 , Holger Freyther <[hidden email]> wrote:

not with Pharo5:

((LargePositiveInteger new: 3) digitAdd: SmallInteger maxVal - 10) class
=> SmallInteger

That's a very recent change to the LargeInteger primitives, wasn't in my old spur vm (a month old perhaps). 
So,in addition to #digitAdd: being 3 times slower than #+ (...jittability? Shouldn't be *that* much more work to add a byte to another byte compared to whatever #+ does)
nor is it hitting the fast path for replaceFrom:.. (2 variableX instances) either, meaning it'll see an even bigger improvement from reverting compared to Pharo4 (which got 50% faster...)


cool! Change looks good but please remove the obsolete >>#digitAdd: comment.

thanks a lot!!

Done, published as .47
Tested counter increments and reset at image startup, seemed to work at least.


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