As I mentioned during my presentation at STIC 2012, we have a beta level implementation of the Monticello Importer tool for VA Smalltalk. This tool is the replacement for the VAPackageExporter code for Pharo that has been available on Squeaksource for some time (some people may remember that I did a presentation on the VAPackageExporter at the VAForum 2010 in Stuttgart). Monticello Importer - Beta is now available for download from
The Monticello Importer tool was used for the latest round of Seaside porting (3.0.6) for VA Smalltalk V.5.1, so it has had some real-world testing at this point, but it should still be cosidered beta code. Give it a try if you have a need/desire to import Monticello packages (.mcz files) into VA Smalltalk and let us know how it works for you.
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