Moose 8 - Progress on generator management

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Moose 8 - Progress on generator management


Today I finished a refactoring on Moose 8 and I wanted to keep
everyone informed.

Since Moose 7 we have multiple metamodels and we generate them via a
generator. Each metamodel has a FMMetaRepository used to build tools
and to query our models. This FMMetaRepository was created by the

This had some drawbacks such as:
- You need to have your generator in the image to be able to query your model
- You cannot write a new metamodel without generator

Now this changed, the FMMetaRepository is created and stored in the
subclasses of MooseModel specific to the metamodel currently used.

The change should be transparent, except that you will need to
regenerate your metamodel for it to be effective.

Have a nice day.

Cyril Ferlicot
Moose-dev mailing list
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