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Usman Bhatti
We have 

Collection variableSubclass: #MooseGroupStorage
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Moose-Core'

MooseGroupStorage variableSubclass: #MooseGroupRuntimeStorage
instanceVariableNames: 'byName elements byType'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Moose-Core'

at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 

| entity na | 
na := uniqueName asSymbol.
"look first by name and if not found"
entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil]. 
entity notNil ifTrue: [^entity]. 
"iterates over all the elements"
entity := self 
detect: [:each | na == each mooseName asSymbol] 
ifNone: exceptionBlock. 
entity notNil ifTrue: [byName at: na put: entity]. 

Now I could not find where the byName dictionary is set.
Does anybody know?


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Re: MooseGroupRuntimeStorage

Tudor Girba-2

Open the browser, select the MooseGroupRuntimeStorage class, then spawn the variables dedicated browser, and then you will see that byName is initialized in initialize:.


On 7 Nov 2011, at 14:24, Usman Bhatti wrote:

> We have
> Collection variableSubclass: #MooseGroupStorage
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> category: 'Moose-Core'
> MooseGroupStorage variableSubclass: #MooseGroupRuntimeStorage
> instanceVariableNames: 'byName elements byType'
> classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> category: 'Moose-Core'
> at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
> | entity na |
> na := uniqueName asSymbol.
> "look first by name and if not found"
> entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil].
> entity notNil ifTrue: [^entity].
> "iterates over all the elements"
> entity := self
> detect: [:each | na == each mooseName asSymbol]
> ifNone: exceptionBlock.
> entity notNil ifTrue: [byName at: na put: entity].
> ^entity
> Now I could not find where the byName dictionary is set.
> Does anybody know?
> Stef
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> Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: MooseGroupRuntimeStorage

Stéphane Ducasse
Strange because I did that and I could not get it.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 10:32 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> Open the browser, select the MooseGroupRuntimeStorage class, then spawn the variables dedicated browser, and then you will see that byName is initialized in initialize:.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 7 Nov 2011, at 14:24, Usman Bhatti wrote:
>> We have
>> Collection variableSubclass: #MooseGroupStorage
>> instanceVariableNames: ''
>> classVariableNames: ''
>> poolDictionaries: ''
>> category: 'Moose-Core'
>> MooseGroupStorage variableSubclass: #MooseGroupRuntimeStorage
>> instanceVariableNames: 'byName elements byType'
>> classVariableNames: ''
>> poolDictionaries: ''
>> category: 'Moose-Core'
>> at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
>> | entity na |
>> na := uniqueName asSymbol.
>> "look first by name and if not found"
>> entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil].
>> entity notNil ifTrue: [^entity].
>> "iterates over all the elements"
>> entity := self
>> detect: [:each | na == each mooseName asSymbol]
>> ifNone: exceptionBlock.
>> entity notNil ifTrue: [byName at: na put: entity].
>> ^entity
>> Now I could not find where the byName dictionary is set.
>> Does anybody know?
>> Stef
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>> Moose-dev mailing list
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> --
> "We are all great at making mistakes."
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: MooseGroupRuntimeStorage

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2

> Hi,
> Open the browser, select the MooseGroupRuntimeStorage class, then spawn the variables dedicated browser, and then you will see that byName is initialized in initialize:.

I found it in fact. This is not my question :)
Now I could not find who is using it to add new binding this is what I mean by "set it".

especially because I have some doubts on the real advantage to inherit from Collection.
The do: is redefined to iterate on the elements but there is no at:put: in Collection and I could not find one in the

So my question is data get put in that dictionary?

>> at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
>> | entity na |
>> na := uniqueName asSymbol.
>> "look first by name and if not found"
>> entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil].
>> entity notNil ifTrue: [^entity].
>> "iterates over all the elements"
>> entity := self
>> detect: [:each | na == each mooseName asSymbol]
>> ifNone: exceptionBlock.
>> entity notNil ifTrue: [byName at: na put: entity].
>> ^entity

BTW this method is better that the original one because at:ifAbsent: aBlock and not nil + comment.
I should commit it.

add: only fill up the byType

add: anElement

        | key group |
        key := anElement class.
        group := byType
                at: key
                ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ].
        group add: anElement.
        elements add: anElement.
        ^ anElement

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