More Import woves

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More Import woves


I am afraid I have some more import related problems. Now I am
attempting to import conents of 1.1 based pier to 1.2

There were few problesm with missing packages, that I have resolved,
and now import completes. Problem is that after import any atempt to
access pier from web browser results with walkback as below:

Davorin Rusevljan

22 April 2011 11:14:08 pm

VM: Win32 - IX86 - 5.1 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog.51]
Image: Pharo1.2.1 [Latest update: #12345]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources
Trusted Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources\VsiTe
Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\VsiTe\My Documents\My Squeak

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
        Receiver: nil
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage: includes: nil
                exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "includes:" is nil
                resumeValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:

        Receiver: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anUser: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: nil
                name: 'admin'
                comment: a Set(a PUUser[209190912] name: 'kolumbina' a
PUUser[30146560] name: '...etc...
                users: nil

        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPermission: View
                aUser: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: nil
                decorated: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                owner: a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
                ownerPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                group: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
                groupPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                otherPermissions: a Set(View)

[:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aContext: View
                permission: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: nil
                decorated: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                owner: a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
                ownerPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                group: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
                groupPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                otherPermissions: a Set(View)

[:each |
(aBlock value: each)
                ifTrue: [^ true].
        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
        Receiver: an Array(View)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: View
                each: [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(View)

        Receiver: an Array(View)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [:each |
(aBlock value: each)
                ifTrue: [^ true].
                index: 1
                indexLimiT: 1
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(View)

        Receiver: an Array(View)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(View)

        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aCommandClass: PRViewCommand
                aContext: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: nil
                decorated: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                owner: a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
                ownerPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                group: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
                groupPermissions: a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
Change Owne...etc...
                otherPermissions: a Set(View)

[:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aCommandClass: a PUSecurity[382730240]
                aContext: PRViewCommand
                each: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
#hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
                decorations: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
                parent: nil
                name: 'pier'
                title: ''
                tags: #()
                document: a PRDocument[657195008]

[:each | (aBlock value: each)
                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: a PUSecurity[382730240]
                each: [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])

        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [:each | (aBlock value: each)
                ifFalse: [^ false]]
                index: 1
                indexLimiT: 2
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])

        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
        Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])

        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aCommandClass: PRViewCommand
                aContext: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
#hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
                decorations: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
                parent: nil
                name: 'pier'
                title: ''
                tags: #()
                document: a PRDocument[657195008]

        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aCommandClass: PRViewCommand
                aContext: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
#hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
                decorations: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
                parent: nil
                name: 'pier'
                title: ''
                tags: #()
                document: a PRDocument[657195008]

PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
        Receiver: PRViewCommand
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aContext: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: PRCommand
                methodDict: a
MethodDictionary(#asComponent->(PRViewCommand>>#asComponent "a
                format: 144
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*pier-seaside-accessing' defaultViewComponentClass
label render...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #PRViewCommand
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Pier-Model-Command'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aCommandClass: PRViewCommand
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#user->nil )
                kernel: a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
                structure: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                command: a PRViewCommand[435159040]

        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#user->nil )
                kernel: a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
                structure: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                command: a PRViewCommand[435159040]

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aContext: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRequest: a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
                structure: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                following: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPresenter: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                request: a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1

        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aComponent: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                request: a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aVisitor: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                request: a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPainter: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPresenter: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPresenter: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aComponent: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aVisitor: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aDecoration: a WAToolDecoration
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a WAToolDecoration
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aVisitor: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Receiver's instance variables:
                next: a WAValueHolder contents: a PRPierFrame
                plugins: an OrderedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                halos: an IdentityDictionary()

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aComponent: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aVisitor: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

[super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPainterVisitor: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: PRCurrentContext
                handlerAction: [:notification | notification resume: anObject]
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
                startpc: 27
                numArgs: 0

PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
        Receiver: PRCurrentContext
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a PRPierFrame
                aBlock: [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: GRNotification
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 140
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #PRCurrentContext
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Pier-Model-Kernel'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPainterVisitor: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
                context: a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
                children: nil

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aPainter: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a PRPierFrame
        Receiver's instance variables:
                client: a WAInitialRequestVisitor

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
[:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
[:each |
(aBlock value: each)
                ifTrue: [^ true].
        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
[:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
[:each | (aBlock value: each)
                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
[super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[^ self start] in WASession>>handleFiltered:
[super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
[owner := process.
                ensure: [owner := nil]] in WAMutex>>critical:
[caught := true.
        self wait.
        blockValue := mutuallyExcludedBlock value] in Semaphore>>critical:
[self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
[WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
[super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered:
WAWalkbackErrorHandler class(WAExceptionHandler
[self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
[WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
[self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
[WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
[self requestHandler handle: aRequestContext] in
[self handle: context;
                 responseFrom: context] in WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>process:
[self target processHttpRequest: request] in HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest:
[[[request := self readRequest]
                on: Error
                do: [:ex | continue := false].
                ifTrue: [response := self dispatchRequest: request.
                                addConnectionHeaders: response
                                request: request
                                count: count.
                        (self writeResponse: response for: request)
                                ifFalse: [^ self].
                        count := count + 1.
                        continue := response isPersistent
                                                and: [count < limit]].
        continue] whileTrue.
        nil] in HttpAdaptor>>beginConversation
HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteTo:service:
HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteToSocket:service:
[self serve: aSocket] in HttpService(TcpService)>>value:
[self value.
        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

Lukas Renggli
Strange that your groups end up with the 'users' list set to 'nil'.
Then again, it is kind of expected, because the objects between Pier
1.1 and 1.2 changed and the binary serialization mechanism isn't smart
and only supposed to work between two identical images/versions.

So you need to manually fix all PUGroup instances by setting the
inst-var 'users' to 'Set new' if nil. Try something along:

     PUGroup allInstancesDo: [ :g |
         g users isNil
             ifTrue: [ g instVarNamed: 'users' put: Set new ] ]

There might be other problems like this. And don't forget to check
your permissions afterwards, likely they are messed up.


On 22 April 2011 23:20, Davorin Rusevljan <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Well,
> I am afraid I have some more import related problems. Now I am
> attempting to import conents of 1.1 based pier to 1.2
> There were few problesm with missing packages, that I have resolved,
> and now import completes. Problem is that after import any atempt to
> access pier from web browser results with walkback as below:
> Davorin Rusevljan
> 22 April 2011 11:14:08 pm
> VM: Win32 - IX86 - 5.1 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog.51]
> Image: Pharo1.2.1 [Latest update: #12345]
> SecurityManager state:
> Restricted: false
> FileAccess: true
> SocketAccess: true
> Working Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources
> Trusted Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources\VsiTe
> Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\VsiTe\My Documents\My Squeak
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
>        Receiver: nil
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aMessage:       includes: nil
>                exception:      MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "includes:" is nil
>                resumeValue:    nil
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> nil
> PUGroup>>includes:
>        Receiver: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                anUser:         nil
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     nil
>                name:   'admin'
>                comment:        a Set(a PUUser[209190912] name: 'kolumbina' a
> PUUser[30146560] name: '...etc...
>                users:  nil
> PUSecurity>>hasPermission:for:
>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPermission:    View
>                aUser:  nil
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     nil
>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
> [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aContext:       View
>                permission:     a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     nil
>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
> [:each |
> (aBlock value: each)
>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         View
>                each:   [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(View)
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         [:each |
> (aBlock value: each)
>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>        nil]
>                index:  1
>                indexLimiT:     1
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(View)
> Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(View)
> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     nil
>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
> Change Owne...etc...
>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
> [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aCommandClass:  a PUSecurity[382730240]
>                aContext:       PRViewCommand
>                each:   a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>                parent:         nil
>                name:   'pier'
>                title:  ''
>                tags:   #()
>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
> [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         a PUSecurity[382730240]
>                each:   [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>                ifFalse: [^ false]]
>                index:  1
>                indexLimiT:     2
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
> Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>                parent:         nil
>                name:   'pier'
>                title:  ''
>                tags:   #()
>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isValidCommand:in:
>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>                parent:         nil
>                name:   'pier'
>                title:  ''
>                tags:   #()
>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
> PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
>        Receiver: PRViewCommand
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                superclass:     PRCommand
>                methodDict:     a
> MethodDictionary(#asComponent->(PRViewCommand>>#asComponent "a
> Co...etc...
>                format:         144
>                instanceVariables:      nil
>                organization:   ('*pier-seaside-accessing' defaultViewComponentClass
> label render...etc...
>                subclasses:     nil
>                name:   #PRViewCommand
>                classPool:      nil
>                sharedPools:    nil
>                environment:    a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
>                category:       #'Pier-Model-Command'
>                traitComposition:       {}
>                localSelectors:         nil
> PRContext>>isValidCommand:
>        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     a Dictionary(#user->nil )
>                kernel:         a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                command:        a PRViewCommand[435159040]
> PRContext>>isValid
>        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                properties:     a Dictionary(#user->nil )
>                kernel:         a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                command:        a PRViewCommand[435159040]
> PRPierFrame>>context:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> PRPierFrame>>initialRequest:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aRequest:       a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>                following:      a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> WAInitialRequestVisitor>>visitPresenter:
>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aVisitor:       a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPainter:       a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitPresenter:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitDecoration:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aDecoration:    a WAToolDecoration
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
>        Receiver: a WAToolDecoration
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                next:   a WAValueHolder contents: a PRPierFrame
>                plugins:        an OrderedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
> WAConfigureToolPlugin ...etc...
>                showHalos:      a WAValueHolder contents: false
>                halos:  an IdentityDictionary()
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecorationsOfComponent:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>acceptDecorated:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPainterVisitor:        a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>        Receiver: [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                exception:      PRCurrentContext
>                handlerAction:  [:notification | notification resume: anObject]
>                handlerActive:  true
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                outerContext:   PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>                startpc:        27
>                numArgs:        0
> PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
>        Receiver: PRCurrentContext
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>                aBlock:         [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                superclass:     GRNotification
>                methodDict:     a MethodDictionary()
>                format:         140
>                instanceVariables:      nil
>                organization:   ('as yet unclassified')
>                subclasses:     nil
>                name:   #PRCurrentContext
>                classPool:      nil
>                sharedPools:    nil
>                environment:    a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
>                category:       #'Pier-Model-Kernel'
>                traitComposition:       {}
>                localSelectors:         nil
> PRPierFrame>>withContextDo:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aBlock:         [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPainterVisitor:        a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>                children:       nil
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visit:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aPainter:       a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisitor)>>start:
>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
> --- The full stack ---
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
> PUGroup>>includes:
> PUSecurity>>hasPermission:for:
> [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
> [:each |
> (aBlock value: each)
>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
> [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
> [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isValidCommand:in:
> PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
> PRContext>>isValidCommand:
> PRContext>>isValid
> PRPierFrame>>context:
> PRPierFrame>>initialRequest:
> WAInitialRequestVisitor>>visitPresenter:
> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitPresenter:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitDecoration:
> WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecorationsOfComponent:
> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>acceptDecorated:
> [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
> PRPierFrame>>withContextDo:
> PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visit:
> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisitor)>>start:
>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> WARenderLoopMain>>prepareRoot:
> WARenderLoopMain>>start
> WASession>>start
> [^ self start] in WASession>>handleFiltered:
> WAMergedRequestFields>>at:ifAbsent:
> WASession>>handleFiltered:
> WAMutualExclusionFilter(WARequestFilter)>>handleFiltered:
> [super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
> WAMutualExclusionFilter>>handleFiltered:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> [owner := process.
>        aBlock
>                ensure: [owner := nil]] in WAMutex>>critical:
> [caught := true.
>        self wait.
>        blockValue := mutuallyExcludedBlock value] in Semaphore>>critical:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Semaphore>>critical:
> WAMutex>>critical:
> WAMutualExclusionFilter>>handleFiltered:
> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
> WASession(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> WASession(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>dispatch:to:
> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>handle:registering:
> WAApplication>>handleDefault:
> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>handleFiltered:
> WAApplication>>handleFiltered:
> WAExceptionFilter(WARequestFilter)>>handleFiltered:
> [super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAExceptionHandler)>>handleExceptionsDuring:
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class(WAExceptionHandler
> class)>>handleExceptionsDuring:context:
> WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered:
> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
> WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> WADispatcher>>handleFiltered:named:
> WADispatcher>>handleDefault:
> WADispatcher>>handleFiltered:
> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
> WADispatcher(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WARequestContext>>push:while:
> WADispatcher(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
> [self requestHandler handle: aRequestContext] in
> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handleRequest:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handleRequest:
> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handle:
> [self handle: context;
>                 responseFrom: context] in WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>process:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>process:
> WAComancheAdaptor>>processHttpRequest:
> HttpService>>processHttpRequest:
> [self target processHttpRequest: request] in HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> HttpService>>handleDispatchErrorsIn:
> HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest:
> [[[request := self readRequest]
>                on: Error
>                do: [:ex | continue := false].
>        continue
>                ifTrue: [response := self dispatchRequest: request.
>                        self
>                                addConnectionHeaders: response
>                                request: request
>                                count: count.
>                        (self writeResponse: response for: request)
>                                ifFalse: [^ self].
>                        count := count + 1.
>                        continue := response isPersistent
>                                                and: [count < limit]].
>        continue] whileTrue.
>        nil] in HttpAdaptor>>beginConversation
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> HttpAdaptor>>beginConversation
> HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteTo:service:
> HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteToSocket:service:
> HttpService>>serve:
> [self serve: aSocket] in HttpService(TcpService)>>value:
> [self value.
>        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Strange that your groups end up with the 'users' list set to 'nil'.
> Then again, it is kind of expected, because the objects between Pier
> 1.1 and 1.2 changed and the binary serialization mechanism isn't smart
> and only supposed to work between two identical images/versions.
> So you need to manually fix all PUGroup instances by setting the
> inst-var 'users' to 'Set new' if nil. Try something along:
>     PUGroup allInstancesDo: [ :g |
>         g users isNil
>             ifTrue: [ g instVarNamed: 'users' put: Set new ] ]

That moved me one step further.

Next obstacle is PRInternalLink which in embeded inst var has empty
Array, while and this array gets returned by isEmbeded, and then gets
used as boolean in some block.

Did semantics of embeded inst var changed from 1.1 to 1.2? (and what
are they now :)

Maybe I could alter all instances of PRLink that have empty arrays as
embeded to be set to false, and other ones to true, but I do not know
if this is going to break something else since original embeded
informaton would be lost.




> There might be other problems like this. And don't forget to check
> your permissions afterwards, likely they are messed up.
> Lukas
> On 22 April 2011 23:20, Davorin Rusevljan <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Well,
>> I am afraid I have some more import related problems. Now I am
>> attempting to import conents of 1.1 based pier to 1.2
>> There were few problesm with missing packages, that I have resolved,
>> and now import completes. Problem is that after import any atempt to
>> access pier from web browser results with walkback as below:
>> Davorin Rusevljan
>> 22 April 2011 11:14:08 pm
>> VM: Win32 - IX86 - 5.1 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog.51]
>> Image: Pharo1.2.1 [Latest update: #12345]
>> SecurityManager state:
>> Restricted: false
>> FileAccess: true
>> SocketAccess: true
>> Working Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources
>> Trusted Dir C:\temp\pier2\\Contents\Resources\VsiTe
>> Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\VsiTe\My Documents\My Squeak
>> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
>>        Receiver: nil
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aMessage:       includes: nil
>>                exception:      MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "includes:" is nil
>>                resumeValue:    nil
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> nil
>> PUGroup>>includes:
>>        Receiver: a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                anUser:         nil
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     nil
>>                name:   'admin'
>>                comment:        a Set(a PUUser[209190912] name: 'kolumbina' a
>> PUUser[30146560] name: '...etc...
>>                users:  nil
>> PUSecurity>>hasPermission:for:
>>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPermission:    View
>>                aUser:  nil
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     nil
>>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
>> [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
>> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aContext:       View
>>                permission:     a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     nil
>>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
>> [:each |
>> (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>>        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         View
>>                each:   [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(View)
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         [:each |
>> (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>>        nil]
>>                index:  1
>>                indexLimiT:     1
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(View)
>> Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>>        Receiver: an Array(View)
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(View)
>> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>>        Receiver: a PUSecurity[382730240]
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     nil
>>                decorated:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                owner:  a PUUser[30146560] name: 'admin'
>>                ownerPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                group:  a PUGroup[1038352384] name: 'admin'
>>                groupPermissions:       a Set(Add Component Add Blog View Add File Remove
>> Change Owne...etc...
>>                otherPermissions:       a Set(View)
>> [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aCommandClass:  a PUSecurity[382730240]
>>                aContext:       PRViewCommand
>>                each:   a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
>> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>                parent:         nil
>>                name:   'pier'
>>                title:  ''
>>                tags:   #()
>>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
>> [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         a PUSecurity[382730240]
>>                each:   [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifFalse: [^ false]]
>>                index:  1
>>                indexLimiT:     2
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>> Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>>        Receiver: an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>> an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
>> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>                parent:         nil
>>                name:   'pier'
>>                title:  ''
>>                tags:   #()
>>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isValidCommand:in:
>>        Receiver: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
>> #hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
>>                decorations:    an Array(a PUSecurity[382730240] a PRChildren[757071872])
>>                parent:         nil
>>                name:   'pier'
>>                title:  ''
>>                tags:   #()
>>                document:       a PRDocument[657195008]
>> PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
>>        Receiver: PRViewCommand
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                superclass:     PRCommand
>>                methodDict:     a
>> MethodDictionary(#asComponent->(PRViewCommand>>#asComponent "a
>> Co...etc...
>>                format:         144
>>                instanceVariables:      nil
>>                organization:   ('*pier-seaside-accessing' defaultViewComponentClass
>> label render...etc...
>>                subclasses:     nil
>>                name:   #PRViewCommand
>>                classPool:      nil
>>                sharedPools:    nil
>>                environment:    a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
>>                category:       #'Pier-Model-Command'
>>                traitComposition:       {}
>>                localSelectors:         nil
>> PRContext>>isValidCommand:
>>        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aCommandClass:  PRViewCommand
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     a Dictionary(#user->nil )
>>                kernel:         a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
>>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                command:        a PRViewCommand[435159040]
>> PRContext>>isValid
>>        Receiver: a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                properties:     a Dictionary(#user->nil )
>>                kernel:         a PRKernel[532414464] name: 'pier'
>>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                command:        a PRViewCommand[435159040]
>> PRPierFrame>>context:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aContext:       a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> PRPierFrame>>initialRequest:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aRequest:       a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
>>                structure:      a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
>>                following:      a PRContext[435945472] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor>>visitPresenter:
>>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aVisitor:       a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
>>        Receiver: a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                request:        a WARequest method: GET uri: / version: HTTP/1.1
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPainter:       a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitPresenter:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPresenter:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitDecoration:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aDecoration:    a WAToolDecoration
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
>>        Receiver: a WAToolDecoration
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                next:   a WAValueHolder contents: a PRPierFrame
>>                plugins:        an OrderedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
>> WAConfigureToolPlugin ...etc...
>>                showHalos:      a WAValueHolder contents: false
>>                halos:  an IdentityDictionary()
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecorationsOfComponent:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aComponent:     a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>acceptDecorated:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aVisitor:       a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPainterVisitor:        a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>>        Receiver: [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                exception:      PRCurrentContext
>>                handlerAction:  [:notification | notification resume: anObject]
>>                handlerActive:  true
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                outerContext:   PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>>                startpc:        27
>>                numArgs:        0
>> PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
>>        Receiver: PRCurrentContext
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>>                aBlock:         [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                superclass:     GRNotification
>>                methodDict:     a MethodDictionary()
>>                format:         140
>>                instanceVariables:      nil
>>                organization:   ('as yet unclassified')
>>                subclasses:     nil
>>                name:   #PRCurrentContext
>>                classPool:      nil
>>                sharedPools:    nil
>>                environment:    a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
>>                category:       #'Pier-Model-Kernel'
>>                traitComposition:       {}
>>                localSelectors:         nil
>> PRPierFrame>>withContextDo:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aBlock:         [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor]
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>>        Receiver: a PRPierFrame
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPainterVisitor:        a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                decoration:     a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolDecoration
>>                context:        a PRContext[398721024] structure: '' command: 'View'
>>                children:       nil
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visit:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                aPainter:       a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisitor)>>start:
>>        Receiver: a WAAllPresenterGuide
>>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>>                anObject:       a PRPierFrame
>>        Receiver's instance variables:
>>                client:         a WAInitialRequestVisitor
>> --- The full stack ---
>> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includes:
>> PUGroup>>includes:
>> PUSecurity>>hasPermission:for:
>> [:permission | self hasPermission: permission for: aContext user] in
>> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>> [:each |
>> (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifTrue: [^ true].
>>        nil] in Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>> Array(Collection)>>anySatisfy:
>> PUSecurity>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>> [:each | each isAllowedCommand: aCommandClass in: aContext] in
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>> [:each | (aBlock value: each)
>>                ifFalse: [^ false]] in Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>> Array(Collection)>>allSatisfy:
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isAllowedCommand:in:
>> PRPage(PRStructure)>>isValidCommand:in:
>> PRViewCommand class(PRCommand class)>>isValidIn:
>> PRContext>>isValidCommand:
>> PRContext>>isValid
>> PRPierFrame>>context:
>> PRPierFrame>>initialRequest:
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor>>visitPresenter:
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>> WAInitialRequestVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitPresenter:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>accept:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisiblePresenterGuide)>>visitDecoration:
>> WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecorationsOfComponent:
>> PRPierFrame(WAComponent)>>acceptDecorated:
>> [super acceptDecorated: aPainterVisitor] in PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> PRCurrentContext class>>use:during:
>> PRPierFrame>>withContextDo:
>> PRPierFrame>>acceptDecorated:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visit:
>> WAAllPresenterGuide(WAVisitor)>>start:
>>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> WARenderLoopMain>>prepareRoot:
>> WARenderLoopMain>>start
>> WASession>>start
>> [^ self start] in WASession>>handleFiltered:
>> WAMergedRequestFields>>at:ifAbsent:
>> WASession>>handleFiltered:
>> WAMutualExclusionFilter(WARequestFilter)>>handleFiltered:
>> [super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
>> WAMutualExclusionFilter>>handleFiltered:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> [owner := process.
>>        aBlock
>>                ensure: [owner := nil]] in WAMutex>>critical:
>> [caught := true.
>>        self wait.
>>        blockValue := mutuallyExcludedBlock value] in Semaphore>>critical:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> Semaphore>>critical:
>> WAMutex>>critical:
>> WAMutualExclusionFilter>>handleFiltered:
>> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
>> WASession(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
>> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> WASession(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>dispatch:to:
>> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>handle:registering:
>> WAApplication>>handleDefault:
>> WAApplication(WARegistry)>>handleFiltered:
>> WAApplication>>handleFiltered:
>> WAExceptionFilter(WARequestFilter)>>handleFiltered:
>> [super handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAExceptionHandler)>>handleExceptionsDuring:
>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class(WAExceptionHandler
>> class)>>handleExceptionsDuring:context:
>> WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered:
>> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
>> WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
>> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> WADispatcher>>handleFiltered:named:
>> WADispatcher>>handleDefault:
>> WADispatcher>>handleFiltered:
>> [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext] in
>> WADispatcher(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
>> [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock] in
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> WARequestContext>>push:while:
>> WADispatcher(WARequestHandler)>>handle:
>> [self requestHandler handle: aRequestContext] in
>> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handleRequest:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handleRequest:
>> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>handle:
>> [self handle: context;
>>                 responseFrom: context] in WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>process:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> WAComancheAdaptor(WAServerAdaptor)>>process:
>> WAComancheAdaptor>>processHttpRequest:
>> HttpService>>processHttpRequest:
>> [self target processHttpRequest: request] in HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> HttpService>>handleDispatchErrorsIn:
>> HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest:
>> [[[request := self readRequest]
>>                on: Error
>>                do: [:ex | continue := false].
>>        continue
>>                ifTrue: [response := self dispatchRequest: request.
>>                        self
>>                                addConnectionHeaders: response
>>                                request: request
>>                                count: count.
>>                        (self writeResponse: response for: request)
>>                                ifFalse: [^ self].
>>                        count := count + 1.
>>                        continue := response isPersistent
>>                                                and: [count < limit]].
>>        continue] whileTrue.
>>        nil] in HttpAdaptor>>beginConversation
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> HttpAdaptor>>beginConversation
>> HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteTo:service:
>> HttpAdaptor class>>readAndWriteToSocket:service:
>> HttpService>>serve:
>> [self serve: aSocket] in HttpService(TcpService)>>value:
>> [self value.
>>        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
>> _______________________________________________
>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves


Hello Lukas,

Do you have some advice what to do with embeded inst vars of PRLink(s),  1.2 expects them to be bools while my 1.1 contains arrays, sometimes non empty.

Davorin Rusevljan

On Apr 23, 2011 10:35 AM, "Davorin Rusevljan" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Strange that your groups...

That moved me one step further.

Next obstacle is PRInternalLink which in embeded inst var has empty
Array, while and this array gets returned by isEmbeded, and then gets
used as boolean in some block.

Did semantics of embeded inst var changed from 1.1 to 1.2? (and what
are they now :)

Maybe I could alter all instances of PRLink that have empty arrays as
embeded to be set to false, and other ones to true, but I do not know
if this is going to break something else since original embeded
informaton would be lost.




> There might be other problems like this. And don't forget to check
> your permissions afterwar...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

Lukas Renggli
> Do you have some advice what to do with embeded inst vars of PRLink(s),  1.2
> expects them to be bools while my 1.1 contains arrays, sometimes non empty.

You have to figure out how to move the contents into the right
variables using #instVarAt: and #instVarAt:put:. However, in your case
it is probably easier if you use SIXX -- or try to adapt the
import/export code to use SmartRefStream -- that both can handle
instance variable changes. Then you only need to fix the "new"


Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves


Thanks for tip regarding sixx. Anyway, what bothers me is embeded inst var of PRLink that existed in both 1.1 and 1.2. But 1.2 expects it to be true or false, while my 1.1 PRLinks have arrays in them that contain some data. Now I could overwrite those arrays with true or false, but what about information that those arrays contained should I store it somewhere else?

So the question is more what was meaning of embeded inst var before, what is now and how should they be logically migrated?


Davorin Rusevljan

On Apr 26, 2011 10:54 PM, "Lukas Renggli" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Do you have some advice what to do with embeded inst vars of PRLink(s),  1.2
> expects them to be ...

You have to figure out how to move the contents into the right
variables using #instVarAt: and #instVarAt:put:. However, in your case
it is probably easier if you use SIXX -- or try to adapt the
import/export code to use SmartRefStream -- that both can handle
instance variable changes. Then you only need to fix the "new"



Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier a...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

Lukas Renggli
To find out about the instance variables you have to compare the code,
i don't remember these changes of the top of my head.

There is something else you might to try: There should be a class
PRMigrations (or similar, I don't have an image to verify) with a
bunch of class side methods that I used to bring the objects along
from the first version of Pier to today. Run #initialize after import
to give it a try. Not sure it handels well a non-incremental change
like in your case, but it is relatively safe to run as it does all
kind of verifications to validate and fix the model.


On Wednesday, 27 April 2011, Davorin Rusevljan
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks for tip regarding sixx. Anyway, what bothers me is embeded inst var of PRLink that existed in both 1.1 and 1.2. But 1.2 expects it to be true or false, while my 1.1 PRLinks have arrays in them that contain some data. Now I could overwrite those arrays with true or false, but what about information that those arrays contained should I store it somewhere else?
> So the question is more what was meaning of embeded inst var before, what is now and how should they be logically migrated?
> Thanks,
> Davorin Rusevljan
> On Apr 26, 2011 10:54 PM, "Lukas Renggli" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Do you have some advice what to do with embeded inst vars of PRLink(s),  1.2
>> expects them to be ...You have to figure out how to move the contents into the right
> variables using #instVarAt: and #instVarAt:put:. However, in your case
> it is probably easier if you use SIXX -- or try to adapt the
> import/export code to use SmartRefStream -- that both can handle
> instance variable changes. Then you only need to fix the "new"
> variables.
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier a...

Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:

> To find out about the instance variables you have to compare the code,
> i don't remember these changes of the top of my head.
> There is something else you might to try: There should be a class
> PRMigrations (or similar, I don't have an image to verify) with a
> bunch of class side methods that I used to bring the objects along
> from the first version of Pier to today. Run #initialize after import
> to give it a try. Not sure it handels well a non-incremental change
> like in your case, but it is relatively safe to run as it does all
> kind of verifications to validate and fix the model.

Thanks, I will give it a whirl.

Davorin Rusevljan
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

>> There is something else you might to try: There should be a class
>> PRMigrations (or similar, I don't have an image to verify) with a
>> bunch of class side methods that I used to bring the objects along
>> from the first version of Pier to today. Run #initialize after import
>> to give it a try. Not sure it handels well a non-incremental change
>> like in your case, but it is relatively safe to run as it does all
>> kind of verifications to validate and fix the model.
> Thanks, I will give it a whirl.

bummer. PRMigrations does not have anything related to embeded inst
var. I have tried running initialize on it anyway, but it also breaks
on: migrateLinkOwner method. I have executed all other migrate*
methods. Changed all embeded instvars that had arrays in them to
booleans with:

PRLink allSubInstances do: [:link| (link embedded isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [link embedded: (link embedded size > 0)]].

Only to move to another problem.

PRPage(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #inject:into:
        Receiver: a PRPage[49283072] name: 'mainenvironment'
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage: inject: a WAHtmlAttributes() into: [:attributes :each |
(self attrib...etc...
                exception: MessageNotUnderstood: PRPage>>inject:into:
                resumeValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
#hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
                decorations: an Array(a PUSecurity[1069285376])
                parent: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
                name: 'mainenvironment'
                title: '_Main Environment'
                tags: #()
                document: a PRDocument[408420352]

        Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                escaper: nil
                component: a PRPierFrame
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: a PRViewRenderer
                link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]

        Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
                anchor: a WAAnchorTag
        Receiver's instance variables:
                escaper: nil
                component: a PRPierFrame
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: a PRViewRenderer
                link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]

        Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
                anchor: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                escaper: nil
                component: a PRPierFrame
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: a PRViewRenderer
                link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]

        Receiver: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aVisitor: a PRReferenceRenderer
        Receiver's instance variables:
                properties: nil
                children: #()
                reference: '/environment/header'
                owner: true
                embedded: false
                parameters: a PRPage[49283072] name: 'mainenvironment'
                target: a PRPage[348651520] name: 'header'
                anchor: nil

> Davorin Rusevljan
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

Now Lukas,

please bear with me.

I have fetched the 1.1 image that is running my blog to my local
machine for inspection, and as you have suggested the origin of
problems is that the layout of instance variables has changed from 1.1
to 1.2 and deserialization stuffs data into wrong slots, for instance
old PRLink had instance variables:

'reference' 'embedded' 'parameters'

While the new one has:

'reference' 'owner' 'embedded' 'parameters'

which results in parameters getting stuffed into embedded inst var, so
embedded after import suddenly has all those arrays in them instead of
nice booleans the code expects.

Now I have run a snippet of code to list all subclasses of PRObject in
old and new image along with inst vars they have, and the diffed that.
Result is 9 classes that have changed layout. I suspect some of them
can not appear in serialized data, but I guess you will know better.

Anyway for those 9 classes I would kindly ask you to give me a hint
how to correctly migrate them, i.e. what to stuff into empty slots. So
here goes the list (class, then old layout then new):

#('name' 'type' 'link')
#('name' 'type' 'link' 'title')
#('timestamp' 'context' 'answer' 'checked')
#('timestamp' 'context' 'checked' 'successAnswer' 'cancelAnswer' 'answer')
#('componentClass' 'settings')
#('componentClass' 'settings' 'link')
#('url' 'xml' 'settings' 'description')
#('url' 'xml' 'translations' 'settings' 'description')
#('owner' 'target' 'anchor')
#('target' 'anchor')
#('reference' 'embedded' 'parameters')
#('reference' 'owner' 'embedded' 'parameters')
#('ancestor' 'username' 'password' 'user')
#('username' 'password' 'user')
#('name' 'comment')
#('password' 'groups' 'superuser')
#('password' 'token' 'groups' 'superuser' 'firstName' 'lastName' 'email')


Davorin Rusevljan
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

Lukas Renggli
> Now I have run a snippet of code to list all subclasses of PRObject in
> old and new image along with inst vars they have, and the diffed that.
> Result is 9 classes that have changed layout. I suspect some of them
> can not appear in serialized data, but I guess you will know better.

Subclasses of PRCommand should not be part of the serialized data.

> Anyway for those 9 classes I would kindly ask you to give me a hint
> how to correctly migrate them, i.e. what to stuff into empty slots. So
> here goes the list (class, then old layout then new):

You just have to make sure that a value in inst-var 'x' ends up in
inst-var 'x'. And that new variables are initialized with 'nil'.
"PRMigration initialize" fixes the rest.


Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: More Import woves

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:
> You just have to make sure that a value in inst-var 'x' ends up in
> inst-var 'x'. And that new variables are initialized with 'nil'.
> "PRMigration initialize" fixes the rest.

Ok, there were still things to fix by hand after the PRMigration
initialize, but I think I have managed to import kernel in the end.
Although something along the way started html escaping parts of the
html in my heading, but I guess I will look into that next day.

Many thanks!

Davorin Rusevljan
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...