Morph reacting to Window being closed

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Morph reacting to Window being closed

Peter Uhnak

how can a Morph react to its parent window being closed?


Morph subclass: #MyMorph.
MyMorph new openInWindow

how can MyMorph cleanup itself on window close?

I thought Morph>>delete would do the trick, but it is not being called.

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Re: Morph reacting to Window being closed

Hi Peter,

I think you have two options:

1. Specialize the Window and use your own delete method to do your
additional cleaning. This is what I do in Dr. Geo.

2. Use the WindowClosed announcement from system window to catch the
signal from the morph you want to clean


Le 29/07/2018 à 13:35, Peter Uhnák a écrit :

> how can a Morph react to its parent window being closed?
> E.g.
> Morph subclass: #MyMorph.
> MyMorph new openInWindow
> how can MyMorph cleanup itself on window close?
> I thought Morph>>delete would do the trick, but it is not being called.
> Thanks,
> Peter

Dr. Geo

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Re: Morph reacting to Window being closed

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
Hi Peter,

There are two methods which can be used for this purpose.

Both are called recursively down the morph tree from the window.

If you need to stop the window or provide a dialog then you should create a
subclass of Model and use that to keep references to things that need
cleanup and control the closing and other events.

Best regards,

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Re: Morph reacting to Window being closed

Peter Uhnak
Thank you Henrik,

#outOfWorld: was the best solution to me, as I can use it even when I don't control the window/container the morph is embedded in.


On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 10:16 PM, Henrik-Nergaard <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Peter,

There are two methods which can be used for this purpose.

Both are called recursively down the morph tree from the window.

If you need to stop the window or provide a dialog then you should create a
subclass of Model and use that to keep references to things that need
cleanup and control the closing and other events.

Best regards,

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