At 9:43 PM -0500 12/14/10, Chris Cunnington apparently wrote:
>"if I put the cntl down while still holding the cmd and mousebutton, the event changes
> to mouseMove CMD CNTL blue and moving the mouse moves the Browser window."
>You want, as revealed by HandMorph showEvents: true:
>mouseMov Ctrl blue
>What you have, above, is too much. Remove the "CMD" and you should have it.
How would I get that?
cntl-leftclick gives mouseDown CNTL red.
The only way I've seen mouseDown CNTL blue is to do cmd-leftclick, then hit cntl to see mouseDown CMD CNTL blue, then let the cntl up, giving mouseDown CNTL blue, but the Browser window then has the halos up and moves around with the mouse.
I've checked the op sys settings and cmd, option and cntl are being passed correctly.
I've also tried logging in with shift key held to be sure no keyboard monitor prog is around.
Looks nice in the movie.
>See here: