Movies from ESUG 2009... gotta move them

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Movies from ESUG 2009... gotta move them

Göran Krampe
Hi folks!

As you may recall I hosted, through MSC, mp4 versions of the movies
taped at ESUG in Brest last year:

Since I am now leaving MSC (my last day today), best would be to find a
new home for these files. I have not yet talked with for
hosting on that box, which is an option. This is after all "ESUG stuff"! :)

So, do you have a place to put them? It's about... 2.5 Gb.

regards, Göran
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Re: Movies from ESUG 2009... gotta move them

Marcus Denker-4

On Apr 30, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Göran Krampe wrote:

> Hi folks!
> As you may recall I hosted, through MSC, mp4 versions of the movies taped at ESUG in Brest last year:
> Since I am now leaving MSC (my last day today), best would be to find a new home for these files. I have not yet talked with for hosting on that box, which is an option. This is after all "ESUG stuff"! :)
> So, do you have a place to put them? It's about... 2.5 Gb.

I will download them... we have not yet a place for hosting huge things, but very soon this will be available.


Marcus Denker  --
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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