Hi Dirk,
Dirk Verleysen wrote:
> Can I run multiple sites on the same IP address and on the same port ?
> How should I define this and how to access these on my development pc ?
Yes, that's actually.a main feature of Swazoo.
You just open a new site, and set host:ip:port: accordingly. Ip and port
are the same while host must be different and unique for each site.
On development PC you simply put host name in your hosts file:
/etc/hostc.conf on Linux
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows
When you'll be ready to deploy and make it accessible from outside, you
need to register host name in some DNS server.
Here is a workspace script for adding new sites on my hosting server:
"addition of new site"
name := 'geomer'.
"add in DNS server or hosts file first!"
AIDASite newNamed: name.
(AIDASite named: name)
host: (name, '.eranova.si') ip: 'asp.eranova.si' port: 80.
(AIDASite named: name) styleClass: 'GeoMerStyle'.
(AIDASite named: name) securityManager initBiArtAccessRights.
(AIDASite named: name) enableWebDAVSupport.
(AIDASite named: name) repository emailSMTPServer: 'mail.eranova.si'.
SwazooServer startSite: name.
Best regards
Janko Miv?ek
Smalltalk Web Application Server