Must watch: Alan Kay's Normal considered harmful

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Must watch: Alan Kay's Normal considered harmful

Janko Mivšek
Dear Smalltalkers,

I see one of the goals of that mailing list also to "eye open" us to
think more visionary, long-term and over the horizon, to open ourselves
to those rare but so precious sparks in our brains to get a really fresh
new ideas and put them into a reality.

Alan Kay, our "father" is one which we need to listen again and again
and try to understand his ideas again and again, even if they are a bit
weird at the first moment. Because on the long run he is very right, so,
let we Smalltalkers spend some time for him to inspire us again with his
visions, whose were the foundation for all strength and elegance of
Smalltalk. And as you can see from this his talk, they are even more
valid and needed in our time, they are actually eternal!

        Madames et messieurs:
        Alan Kay: "Normal" Considered Harmful  (oct09)

Shall we open a debate based on his ideas considering the current and
future state of Smalltalk? And inviting him to join?

Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
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Re: Must watch: Alan Kay's Normal considered harmful

stephane ducasse-2
May be this is worth to consider that if some people would not have decided not to burn the disc pack again in 1979
Smalltalk would not exist today.

Now I'm convinced that Smalltalk has some challenges as you can see in my Smalltalks2009 keynote
and that we can address them

        scripting syntax
and a lot more


On Aug 8, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Janko Mivšek wrote:

> Dear Smalltalkers,
> I see one of the goals of that mailing list also to "eye open" us to
> think more visionary, long-term and over the horizon, to open ourselves
> to those rare but so precious sparks in our brains to get a really fresh
> new ideas and put them into a reality.
> Alan Kay, our "father" is one which we need to listen again and again
> and try to understand his ideas again and again, even if they are a bit
> weird at the first moment. Because on the long run he is very right, so,
> let we Smalltalkers spend some time for him to inspire us again with his
> visions, whose were the foundation for all strength and elegance of
> Smalltalk. And as you can see from this his talk, they are even more
> valid and needed in our time, they are actually eternal!
> Madames et messieurs:
> Alan Kay: "Normal" Considered Harmful  (oct09)
> Shall we open a debate based on his ideas considering the current and
> future state of Smalltalk? And inviting him to join?
> Best regards
> Janko
> --
> Janko Mivšek
> AIDA/Web
> Smalltalk Web Application Server