My application is runing very slow...

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My application is runing very slow...

FU Berlin-2 ís not 'running'. The application has been created including the VMM
"togo" ). On that machine is probably running a virus scanner.
I see that this is not a question directly concerning the Smalltalk language
or the behaviour of Dolphin, and there may exist as many advices as there
are PCs around, but I am feeling so much discouraged that I would even ask
my grandma
Any ideas ?

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Re: My application is runing very slow...

Barry Carr-4
"FU Berlin" <[hidden email]> wrote in
news:b0iv87$nqm6f$[hidden email]:

> ís not 'running'. The application has been created including the
> VMM "togo" ). On that machine is probably running a virus scanner.
> I see that this is not a question directly concerning the Smalltalk
> language or the behaviour of Dolphin, and there may exist as many
> advices as there are PCs around, but I am feeling so much discouraged
> that I would even ask my grandma
> Any ideas ?
> Jon
Hi Jon,

You've probably done these already, but here goes anyway...

If you are running NT/2000/XP then open the task manager. First, open the
perfromance tab an look at the CPU usage graph. If this looks unusually
high click on the processes tab and have a look at what processes are
hogging the CPU. You can easily sort the processes by clicking on
listview header. Click on the CPU header item to see who the main
culprits are. You should generally see "system idle process" at the top
of the list. If there is another process that appears to have run away
with itself then you can take the brute force approach and right click on
the process and kill from the pop-up menu. I don't recommend that you do
this if there is another way to legimately shut down the process either
by closing an application or by stopping a service.

As far as I know there is no way to get above kind of info from Win

Other options my be (all MS OSes):
  * Not enough free RAM so the machine is swapping to disk all the time.
    Again, on NT/2000/XP task manager performace tab will tell you how    
        free RAM you have

  * Not enough disk space to swap too. Probably won't happen on              

  * NT/2000/XP check the event log, something might be trying to tell you        

  * A faulty component like a CD rom or pci card etc, this can sometimes      
        make a machine do strange things

  * Have you recently: changed the machines config or installed any new    
        software, or changed the machine in some other significant way. If    
        so, reverse the change and see if that is the cause.

Hope this help

Good luck

Barry Carr
Ixian Software Components Ltd