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My new coral setup

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My new coral setup

Luc Fabresse
510 posts
Hi All,

 I just re-installed a fresh coral version.
 The documentation on the website is outdated e.g coralDebug.sh does not exist anymore (coral.sh -d).
 The coral.sh script is generated but with an incomplete path (.app folder) for the vm executable.

 Then, I hate that coral scripts are slow because UI stuff. 
 I tried to modify the coral.sh script so that the dock icon and the osx menu bar of the VM does not appear when I execute a script. 
 I tried a solution using:
 defaults write "$vm/Contents/Info.plist" LSUIElement 1
 but it does not work on my OsX 10.6.8.
 Even if it does not work, I attached the script because it would be the portable solution.

 I finally used the app DockDodger (http://foggynoggin.com/dockdodger) which modifies an app to prevent its icon and menu bar to be dispayed when launched.
 In the coral.sh I use the modified vm app.
 Now scripts execution is faster.

 I also copied coral.sh in ~/Library/bin/coral
 and I modified scripts adding shebang like that:
 #!/usr/bin/env coral 
 and give execution right.

 Now I can do:

 and it is fast enough ;-)

hope this helps,


Pharo-coral mailing list
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Re: My new coral setup

Damien Pollet
585 posts
On 23 December 2011 12:12, Luc Fabresse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  The documentation on the website is outdated e.g coralDebug.sh does not
> exist anymore (coral.sh -d).

I'll have a look.

>  The coral.sh script is generated but with an incomplete path (.app folder)
> for the vm executable.

That's either my fault (because the API changed in the image and I
didn't update) or your VM's fault (I know there were differences
between the cocoa and the carbon one, carbon working a bit better)

>  Then, I hate that coral scripts are slow because UI stuff.
>  I tried to modify the coral.sh script so that the dock icon and the osx
> menu bar of the VM does not appear when I execute a script.
>  I tried a solution using:
>  defaults write "$vm/Contents/Info.plist" LSUIElement 1

What's that supposed to do?

>  I finally used the app DockDodger (http://foggynoggin.com/dockdodger) which
> modifies an app to prevent its icon and menu bar to be dispayed when
> launched.
>  In the coral.sh I use the modified vm app.

I wonder if the VM can decide at launch time to run as a C or a cocoa
GUI program?

>  I also copied coral.sh in ~/Library/bin/coral
>  and I modified scripts adding shebang like that:
>  #!/usr/bin/env coral
>  and give execution right.

Indeed, I do the same. Can you make a list of all these places that
need a bit of polish, and open issues?

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
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Re: My new coral setup

Luc Fabresse
510 posts
Hi Damien,

 I come back to this story.  
 Happy new year ;-)

2011/12/23 Damien Pollet <[hidden email]>
On 23 December 2011 12:12, Luc Fabresse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  The documentation on the website is outdated e.g coralDebug.sh does not
> exist anymore (coral.sh -d).

I'll have a look.

>  The coral.sh script is generated but with an incomplete path (.app folder)
> for the vm executable.

That's either my fault (because the API changed in the image and I
didn't update) or your VM's fault (I know there were differences
between the cocoa and the carbon one, carbon working a bit better)

yes I use the cocoa one.

>  Then, I hate that coral scripts are slow because UI stuff.
>  I tried to modify the coral.sh script so that the dock icon and the osx
> menu bar of the VM does not appear when I execute a script.
>  I tried a solution using:
>  defaults write "$vm/Contents/Info.plist" LSUIElement 1

What's that supposed to do?

prevent display of the dock icon and the menu bar.

>  I finally used the app DockDodger (http://foggynoggin.com/dockdodger) which
> modifies an app to prevent its icon and menu bar to be dispayed when
> launched.
>  In the coral.sh I use the modified vm app.

I wonder if the VM can decide at launch time to run as a C or a cocoa
GUI program?

yes with LSUIElement pref but it seems it has changed in snow leopard and lion...
That is why I used  DockDodger.

>  I also copied coral.sh in ~/Library/bin/coral
>  and I modified scripts adding shebang like that:
>  #!/usr/bin/env coral
>  and give execution right.

Indeed, I do the same. Can you make a list of all these places that
need a bit of polish, and open issues?

I just added the shebang in the scripts.
Do you want a bug entry for that?



Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
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Re: My new coral setup

Damien Pollet
585 posts
On 3 January 2012 14:46, Luc Fabresse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I wonder if the VM can decide at launch time to run as a C or a cocoa
>> GUI program?
> yes with LSUIElement pref but it seems it has changed in snow leopard and
> lion...

I'll have a look then. But LSUIElement is a property of the
application bundle, so it's handled by the system. I'm not sure the
application gets to decide its value soon enough to take effect at
each startup (without changing it then restarting the application).

> I just added the shebang in the scripts.
> Do you want a bug entry for that?

What about a patch :p

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
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Re: My new coral setup

Luc Fabresse
510 posts

2012/1/3 Damien Pollet <[hidden email]>
On 3 January 2012 14:46, Luc Fabresse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I wonder if the VM can decide at launch time to run as a C or a cocoa
>> GUI program?
> yes with LSUIElement pref but it seems it has changed in snow leopard and
> lion...

I'll have a look then. But LSUIElement is a property of the
application bundle, so it's handled by the system. I'm not sure the
application gets to decide its value soon enough to take effect at
each startup (without changing it then restarting the application).

that is why I tried in the coral.sh:

defaults write "$vminfo" LSUIElement 1
"$vm" $vmArgs "$image" ...
defaults write "$vminfo" LSUIElement 0

> I just added the shebang in the scripts.
> Do you want a bug entry for that?

What about a patch :p

yes of course ;-)
We should agree on the shebang.
I vote for:
#!/usr/bin/env coral

but it means that a script named coral must exists in PATH
What do you think?

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
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Re: My new coral setup

Damien Pollet
585 posts
On 3 January 2012 17:00, Luc Fabresse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> that is why I tried in the coral.sh:
> defaults write "$vminfo" LSUIElement 1
> "$vm" $vmArgs "$image" ...
> defaults write "$vminfo" LSUIElement 0

Not very elegant… in the end the best solution is probably to have a
dedicated command-line VM, but…

> I vote for:
> #!/usr/bin/env coral
> but it means that a script named coral must exists in PATH
> What do you think?

I do that in most my scripts :)

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

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Re: My new coral setup

Luc Fabresse
510 posts
In reply to this post by Luc Fabresse

What about a patch :p


Name: Coral-Utilities-LucFabresse.7
Author: LucFabresse
Time: 4 January 2012, 9:43:14 am
UUID: 6d79675f-9a91-4c72-a3b7-34574d6bf756
Ancestors: Coral-Utilities-DamienPollet.6

- add shebang in all scripts examples during generation 
- give them execution rights



Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
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