My package will not save

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My package will not save

Costas Menico

I made a small package with D5. Two of the classes are just regular
classes under Object. The other one is a  Shell presenter subclass.
When the Shell presenter subclass is in my package I cannot save it. I
get a message in a window that there is a problem and to see the
pre-req's for help in debugging.

I also made a view for the presenter.

Also when I try to save the Dolphin MVP package I get a similar

Any ideas?



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Re: My package will not save

Bruno Brasesco
> Any ideas?

Your's packages has cyclic prerequisites.

Open a "Package Browser" the select your package. Then select
"Prerequisites" tab.
With right button select "Show Status Icons" to know where is (are) the
cyclic prerequisite(s).


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Re: My package will not save

Yes that helped to find the problem. I still don't understand why this
would cause a problem though.

I had a method in RichTextEdit which refrenced SmalltalkWorkspace as
in the example below.

| myVar |
"................ other code ...................."
        myVar:=SmalltalkWorkspace name.
".........other code here............."

This causes havoc with the whole package system. Why would this be?
And what is the workaround if I needed to do this?



On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 21:09:40 -0300, "Bruno" <[hidden email]>

>> Any ideas?
>Your's packages has cyclic prerequisites.
>Open a "Package Browser" the select your package. Then select
>"Prerequisites" tab.
>With right button select "Show Status Icons" to know where is (are) the
>cyclic prerequisite(s).

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Re: My package will not save

Bruno Brasesco
> Yes that helped to find the problem. I still don't understand why this
> would cause a problem though.

If you have #someMethod (in yourPackage) and #someMethod is referenced by a
Dolphin method this cause a cyclic prerequisite. Package can NOT have cyclic
prerequisites and be saved. Because if you to install them later,
Which do you load first ?


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Re: My package will not save

Yep, now I see whats going on. Thanks


On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:10:15 -0300, "Bruno" <[hidden email]>

>> Yes that helped to find the problem. I still don't understand why this
>> would cause a problem though.
>If you have #someMethod (in yourPackage) and #someMethod is referenced by a
>Dolphin method this cause a cyclic prerequisite. Package can NOT have cyclic
>prerequisites and be saved. Because if you to install them later,
>Which do you load first ?