NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

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NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

Bernat Romagosa
I've been trying out some simple persistence options on Pharo 4 and I can't seem to get NBSQLite3 to work.

I have the 32 bits lib present and where it should be, and this is the error I'm getting when opening a new connection:

[ :t3 | 
callType: conv;
sender: context;
parseOptions: options;
anonSpec: t1;
generate: t2 ] in NBFFICalloutAPI>>function:emit: in Block: [ :t3 | ...
[ t6 := t1 value: (self newForMethod: t3) ] in NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>generateCode:andRetry: in Block: [ t6 := t1 value: (self newForMethod: t3) ]
NBRecursionDetect class>>in:during:
NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>generateCode:andRetry:
NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>handleFailureIn:nativeCode:
NativeBoost class>>loadSymbol:fromModule:
NBSQLite3FFI class(Object)>>nbGetSymbolAddress:module:
[ :t3 | 
callType: conv;
sender: context;
parseOptions: options;
generateCall: t1 module: t2 ] in NBFFICalloutAPI>>function:module: in Block: [ :t3 | ...
[ t6 := t1 value: (self newForMethod: t3) ] in NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>generateCode:andRetry: in Block: [ t6 := t1 value: (self newForMethod: t3) ]
NBRecursionDetect class>>in:during:
NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>generateCode:andRetry:
NBFFICallout class(NBNativeCodeGen class)>>handleFailureIn:nativeCode:

Is it compatible with Pharo 4?

Bernat Romagosa.
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Re: NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

Pierce Ng-3
On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 03:08:56PM +0200, Bernat Romagosa wrote:
> I've been trying out some simple persistence options on Pharo 4 and I can't
> seem to get NBSQLite3 to work.
> Is it compatible with Pharo 4?

As I've just written a blog post on Glorp-NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4 this long
weekend, the answer is yes. :-)

I don't think I've encountered the stack trace that you provided too many
times. What is the Smalltalk code you were executing?


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Re: NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

Bernat Romagosa
Hi Pierce!

I was just trying to open a connection as follows:

NBSQLite3Connection openOn: 'test.db'

The top of the stack says Error: Could not find accessor for variable named "symbolName" in NativeBoost>>#bootstrapLoadSymbol:ofLength:fromModule:into:

Are you using Linux as well?

2015-04-05 15:48 GMT+02:00 Pierce Ng <[hidden email]>:
On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 03:08:56PM +0200, Bernat Romagosa wrote:
> I've been trying out some simple persistence options on Pharo 4 and I can't
> seem to get NBSQLite3 to work.
> Is it compatible with Pharo 4?

As I've just written a blog post on Glorp-NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4 this long
weekend, the answer is yes. :-)

I don't think I've encountered the stack trace that you provided too many
times. What is the Smalltalk code you were executing?


Bernat Romagosa.
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Re: NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

Bernat Romagosa
Ok, I just figured for some reason it doesn't work when I'm using Pharo via PharoLauncher...

I just got the latest pharo4 for Linux, image + vm, and NBSQLite3 worked out of the box.

Hope it helps somebody else!

2015-04-05 16:01 GMT+02:00 Bernat Romagosa <[hidden email]>:
Hi Pierce!

I was just trying to open a connection as follows:

NBSQLite3Connection openOn: 'test.db'

The top of the stack says Error: Could not find accessor for variable named "symbolName" in NativeBoost>>#bootstrapLoadSymbol:ofLength:fromModule:into:

Are you using Linux as well?

2015-04-05 15:48 GMT+02:00 Pierce Ng <[hidden email]>:
On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 03:08:56PM +0200, Bernat Romagosa wrote:
> I've been trying out some simple persistence options on Pharo 4 and I can't
> seem to get NBSQLite3 to work.
> Is it compatible with Pharo 4?

As I've just written a blog post on Glorp-NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4 this long
weekend, the answer is yes. :-)

I don't think I've encountered the stack trace that you provided too many
times. What is the Smalltalk code you were executing?


Bernat Romagosa.

Bernat Romagosa.