"Ian Bartholomew" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<ltJba.12458$Vx2.955228@wards>...
> Jon,
> > As I am going to work with TreeViews having style 'TVS_CHECKBOXES' in
> > order to get some kind of MultipleSelectionTreeView I realized that
> > NMTVCUSTOMDRAW does not return any value by #isChecked, although the
> > Checkboxes has been drawn and they can be clicked.
> If you've got the newsgroup archive (or are happy visiting the Google
> news archive) you might like to have a look at the thread started by
> Smalltalkiano on 11/4/2002 (that's 11th April for those who read dates
> backwards) with the subject "Tree Control". One of the responses
> includes a package created by Don Rylander which, from the look of it,
> does what you want - although it does it without using the #isChecked
> method.
> I can also mail you the complete thread if you prefer.
Thanks a lot.
Your hint helps..finally.
I have learned more than about TreeViews.
Next time, I am going to tease you with printing problems, again.