NN code in Dolphin

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NN code in Dolphin

Steve Taylor
Just before I go and reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of any simple
backpropagation neural net code already written in/ported to Dolphin?
Failing that, does anyone know of any NN code in Smalltalk which would
be reasonably portable?

                                       many thanks,


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Re: NN code in Dolphin

Bill Schwab

> Just before I go and reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of any simple
> backpropagation neural net code already written in/ported to Dolphin?
> Failing that, does anyone know of any NN code in Smalltalk which would
> be reasonably portable?

IIRC, the SUGAR site has something for Squeak.  You could file it into a
Squeak image and then SIF it out of Squeak and then into Dolphin; you and
Dolphin's debugger would do the rest.  Some things on the SUGAR site have
some fairly restrictive license agreements, so read carefully before you

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: NN code in Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew-4
In reply to this post by Steve Taylor

> Just before I go and reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of any simple
> backpropagation neural net code already written in/ported to Dolphin?
> Failing that, does anyone know of any NN code in Smalltalk which would
> be reasonably portable?

One of the old (1988/9 ish?) Carlton goodies for ST/V had a neural net
example in it. I can't remember any more than that, and the manual is up in
the roof providing a home for spiders, but if you like I could go and dig it
out. I've got copies of the original 5.25 disk on 3.5 somewhere but I have
no idea if it is still readable. If it is then the code should be reasonably
portable.  I expect it's still (c) Carlton but there's no harm in looking at


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Re: NN code in Dolphin

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Steve Taylor

> Just before I go and reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of any simple
> backpropagation neural net code already written in/ported to Dolphin?
> Failing that, does anyone know of any NN code in Smalltalk which would
> be reasonably portable?

Whatever you come up with, I'd be interested in using the result for a
little "pet" project of mine.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: NN code in Dolphin

In reply to this post by Steve Taylor
Hi Steve> does anyone know of any NN code in Smalltalk which would
>be reasonably portable?

In "Advanced Smalltalk", by Jonathan Pletzke, ISBN 0-471-16350-3, Chapter 21,
pages 397-416 has a explanation of a backprop. NN presented in C and Smalltalk.
The book may be out of print but the author's e-mail was listed as
[hidden email] or [hidden email]
Hope this helps