NameSpace question

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NameSpace question

I have the following namespaces and classes below. Is there an error to have VectorNewtonRaphson for both Math and MbD namespaces? If classes in MbD use VectorNewtonRaphson, which will be called?
Aik-Siong Koh

Smalltalk.CADSM defineNameSpace: #Math
        private: false
        imports: '
                        private Smalltalk.*
        category: 'CADSM-NameSpace'

Smalltalk.CADSM defineNameSpace: #MbD
        private: false
        imports: '
                        private Smalltalk.*
                        private CADSM.Math.*
                        private CADSM.Misc.*
        category: 'CADSM-NameSpace'

CADSM.Math defineClass: #VectorNewtonRaphson
        superclass: #{CADSM.Math.NewtonRaphson}
        indexedType: #none
        private: false
        instanceVariableNames: 'matrixSolver '
        classInstanceVariableNames: ''
        imports: ''
        category: 'CADSM-Math'

CADSM.MbD defineClass: #VectorNewtonRaphson
        superclass: #{CADSM.Math.VectorNewtonRaphson}
        indexedType: #none
        private: false
        instanceVariableNames: 'n '
        classInstanceVariableNames: ''
        imports: ''
        category: 'CADSM-MbD'