Dear all,
Le me repeat from previous post the "rules" to use different names
1. There are long names AIDA/Web and AIDA/Scribo, to show that those
are two products of the same family. Also both logos are similar to show
that similarity. This is like in case of Plone/Zope.
2. Aida and Scribo are then short names, for everyday talk.
3. AIDAweb and AIDAscribo are used just in both logo designs.
If we use names that way consistently I think we will avoid any
confusion about the names.
Ok, AIDA in capital letters looks like an acronym. But what it means?
Well, I don't know yet :) Let we define it ...
Best regards
Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
Aida mailing list
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