NativeBoost callbacks from different threads?

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NativeBoost callbacks from different threads?

Joachim Geidel
In 2012, Igor Stasenko wrote: "the limitation is multithreading. callback should be called in same
thread as VM."

Is this still true in Pharo 3.0? If it is, I don't have to search for the reason why my Pharo code is equivalent to "Pharo become: nil". :-)

Best regards,
Joachim Geidel
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Re: NativeBoost callbacks from different threads?

Clément Béra

This is still true in Pharo 3 AFAIK. With NativeBoost you need to have the call back in the same thread as the VM.

If you want multithreaded callback you can do it through the FFI VM plugin and the Cog Multi threaded VM (you can find the CogMT VM prebuilt for Pharo here: ). However it depends what you want to do with your call backs. This VM looks stable but very few people use it so it may not be as stable as it looks like. So if you plan to use it for real (like production app) do some experiments before to see if your use cases work fine.

2014-02-02 Joachim Geidel <[hidden email]>:
In 2012, Igor Stasenko wrote: "the limitation is multithreading. callback
should be called in same
thread as VM."

Is this still true in Pharo 3.0? If it is, I don't have to search for the
reason why my Pharo code is equivalent to "Pharo become: nil". :-)

Best regards,
Joachim Geidel

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