Nautilus + Periscope

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Nautilus + Periscope

Torsten Bergmann
Pavel wrote:
>I fixed the recent experiments with the new Spec versions so now it
>should work in Pharo 2.0. It really needs a configuration :-)

You mean a configuration like the one I attached  :)

Did you notice the new "Config+" button on the metacello browser - it
helps creating new configs. I also added a postload for plugin registration.

Feel free to use and put into your STHub repo.

I found two bugs in Periscope using Pharo2.0 #20627:

 1. When one enters "Obj" to search for object it crashes in the spotlight
 2. When one opens tools like the Configuration browser they show up inside
    of the area of Periscope...

If this gets fixed and config gets usable for Pharo 2.0 then do not forget to
add the updated config also to "MetaRepoForPharo20" on SS3. This way it will
show up in the config browser and can easily be loaded.


ConfigurationOfPeriscope-TorstenBergmann.1.mcz (5K) Download Attachment
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Re: Nautilus + Periscope

Pavel Krivanek-3
Hi Torsten,

thank you very much. Everything is done. Now Periscope can be loaded
using Configuration Browser into Pharo 2.0.

-- Pavel

2013/11/14 Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]>:

> Pavel wrote:
>>I fixed the recent experiments with the new Spec versions so now it
>>should work in Pharo 2.0. It really needs a configuration :-)
> You mean a configuration like the one I attached  :)
> Did you notice the new "Config+" button on the metacello browser - it
> helps creating new configs. I also added a postload for plugin registration.
> Feel free to use and put into your STHub repo.
> I found two bugs in Periscope using Pharo2.0 #20627:
>  1. When one enters "Obj" to search for object it crashes in the spotlight
>  2. When one opens tools like the Configuration browser they show up inside
>     of the area of Periscope...
> If this gets fixed and config gets usable for Pharo 2.0 then do not forget to
> add the updated config also to "MetaRepoForPharo20" on SS3. This way it will
> show up in the config browser and can easily be loaded.
> Thx
> T.