Nautilus class methods button feedback. + show method comment on hover.

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Nautilus class methods button feedback. + show method comment on hover.

Peter H. Meadows
1) When browsing code in nautilus how do you know if a class has class methods?

Sometimes I forget to look for them because many classes don't have
any. Could the button be changed to give visual feedback when a class
has class methods? Maybe tell the user the number of methods?

The comment button could do the same, although we already have the red
exclamation mark to show classes without comments (which is a great
way of encouraging people to comment their classes).

2) Something that would make a big difference to me is showing the
method comment when you hover the pointer over a method. Then I
wouldn't have to give methods super long names, because I could put
details in the comment and get at them quickly.

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Re: Nautilus class methods button feedback. + show method comment on hover.

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)

On Dec 13, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Peter H. Meadows wrote:

> 1) When browsing code in nautilus how do you know if a class has class methods?
> Sometimes I forget to look for them because many classes don't have
> any. Could the button be changed to give visual feedback when a class
> has class methods? Maybe tell the user the number of methods?

I am afraid that putting the number of method could be too much, but why not :)
Anyway, you remark is really relevant :)

> The comment button could do the same, although we already have the red
> exclamation mark to show classes without comments (which is a great
> way of encouraging people to comment their classes).
> 2) Something that would make a big difference to me is showing the
> method comment when you hover the pointer over a method. Then I
> wouldn't have to give methods super long names, because I could put
> details in the comment and get at them quickly.

Interesting idea :)

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Re: Nautilus class methods button feedback. + show method comment on hover.

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Peter H. Meadows

On Dec 13, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Peter H. Meadows wrote:

> 1) When browsing code in nautilus how do you know if a class has class methods?
> Sometimes I forget to look for them because many classes don't have
> any. Could the button be changed to give visual feedback when a class
> has class methods? Maybe tell the user the number of methods?
> The comment button could do the same, although we already have the red
> exclamation mark to show classes without comments (which is a great
> way of encouraging people to comment their classes).
> 2) Something that would make a big difference to me is showing the
> method comment when you hover the pointer over a method. Then I
> wouldn't have to give methods super long names, because I could put
> details in the comment and get at them quickly.

A fly by help to see comments would be really cool.