maybe I'm too picky, but I have couple of questions/remarks regarding current Nautilus UI. Now, I'm happy that new features were added/reorganized, but it does feel it is a little bit chaotic right now. ![]() I would expect the left/right history buttons being right next to the History Navigator selector. That way history-related controls are together and the purpose of the buttons is obvious "Hier.", "Com."... abbreviating button labels? Really? And finally, why was part of the buttons moved up? And part stayed down? I know that you wanted to distinguish "Scoped", because it opens a new browser, and Variables, because they have intermediate menu (and later open another menu). But I think the fact that Variables are tied to a particular selected class would make much more sense to place the button beside hierachy/class button. And opening Scoped can be denoted with an appropriate icon ( https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=new+window+icon&btnG=Search+by+image ) Placing them all on a single line would also save up vertical space, which considering we've added QualityAssistant and Rubric adds another line is quite valuable. (And finally the width of the buttons should perhaps match more closely the actual needs of the label, because now it's bit cramped.) ![]() And finally, code-wise I've never really interacted with Morphic and stayed in Spec, so when I was digging through code it seems that the way Morphs are composed are through these "addMorph:fullFrame: (LayoutFrame identity rightFraction: 0.10; yourself);" constructs sprinkled haphazardly throughout the code. Is there nothing like SpecLayout? Maybe it wasn't so hard once you get used to Morphic, because I spent probably more time doing elementary changes to layout than learning half of Spec... (Also since Spec can interoperate with Morphic, maybe the layout could also be adapted? Or slowly migrate Nautilus to Spec (if there are even plans like that)?) Now as I've mentioned I'm not an UI/UX expert, but you don't need to be a chef to tell when food isn't great (which is of course amplified by personal tastes). So unless I am the only person bothered by this, I would like to raise a discussion (or send a slice, but the way I've done the layout weirds me out, so I still want to look into that regardless). Cheers, Peter |
I agree with your post about the buttons. Personally I have never used scoped or really need it as feature , I dont think I would be needing variables either. Actually two buttons I miss from Squeak is implementers and senders which I found super useful. On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:00 PM Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
2015-08-18 17:49 GMT-03:00 Dimitris Chloupis <[hidden email]>:
Absolutely, visible senders and implementors buttons are fundamental. Hernán
In reply to this post by kilon.alios
There is free space for another functionnality. I asked for ideas of buttons before doing Scoped one (and it appeared that scoped is used by people). Variables is often used too, and there is no shortcut to browse all the access to the variables of a class so I think it is needed.
They seem more needed than a button with an action which can be triggered by cmd + n or m in the same context than when you are about to clic on it (selector selected). The toolbar may take time to be loved, but I think new users are more used to a bar with functionnalities on top of a window than a middle bar. I would put all the buttons on top but I understand the strong link of hierarchy, class and comments with the classes panel so it is ok. And yes, the layout handling in this case is very painful. Franck From: [hidden email] Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 20:49:34 +0000 To: [hidden email]; [hidden email] Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Nautilus questions I agree with your post about the buttons. Personally I have never used scoped or really need it as feature , I dont think I would be needing variables either. Actually two buttons I miss from Squeak is implementers and senders which I found super useful. On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:00 PM Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, Yes: - yes, we are still working on Nautilus, and some of the things we are trying now will change (for example, I do not think we need the history dropdown there having the back/forward icons… and in any case since they are talking about the same, they should be close) - yes, we can add other functionality, as Franck posted, that’s why we ask for those functionality. Now if nobody answers, do not expect we can know what you want :) - yes, using abbreviated names there is bad. (Hier., Com.) we need to find a better place. - yes, “variables” is not so relevant and I would like to move it to a place where does not look as is. I use it all the time, but in regular programming people should not need to use it all the time. We’ll see. Nos: - no, we are not going to put back buttons in the middle of the browser: what is a toolbar, should be where toolsbars go. I know many if you are used to the older way, but that older way was bad: the original idea was to put functionality close to the coding area… no reason to do that this days. - actually, I do not have more “nos” for now, but I want to keep this open, for the future ;) Some others: - the fact that you never used “Scoped” is actually the reason why we put it in such a relevant place: is one of the most powerful functionalities of Nautilus and we want you to have access to it in a direct and visible place. So you can start to use it. Using “I never used it” as an argument does not work because in exchange I can say “this is the function I use the most of nautilus”. Give it a try, is particularly useful for: a) applying refactors, b) search senders/implementors inside my project and not in all image. - actually, I would like to remove also the buttons that acts on classes (most of them needs to be tabs in the right places). In my ideal browser, functionality is distributed like this: ![]() … but arriving to it is not so easy. In conclusion: We are doing some right steps. It is not finished, but we are not going to go back to older way :) cheers, Esteban
In reply to this post by Franck Warlouzet
Actually two buttons I miss from Squeak is implementers and senders which I found super useful. Senders and implementors have shortcuts (cmd+b+n, cmd+b+m); variables do not (as far as I know). The history navigation would be better without the selector by addding This sounds like a neat idea (although I don't know if Moprhic understands "hold button for X time"). "Hier.", "Com."... abbreviating button labels? Really? The toolbar may take time to be loved, but I think new users are more used to a bar with functionnalities on top of a window than a middle bar. As a user I would expect the buttons be close to where I work. So if I spend most of my time in code pane, I want it to be close, not on the other end of the window. Thanks for the info regarding layouts... I will look at it. Peter On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Franck Warlouzet <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote: - yes, we can add other functionality, as Franck posted, that’s why we ask for those functionality. Now if nobody answers, do not expect we can know what you want :) I answered :) http://forum.world.st/Buttons-in-Nautilus-td4839034.html Although I wonder whether the question should have been asked in Pharo-Users, because not everybody is reading dev and opinion of users is (more) relevant.
Could you elaborate on this please? Because I don't understand why having it close to the coding area is no longer meaningful. Some others:
This is for Kilon I assume.
This does look better indeed. Actually it seems similar to VisualWorks, but with tabs (which look/behave much better) instead of buttons. Peter |
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
Hi Esteban, My opinion is that you're still tied a lot to the Smalltalk 80's way... Which is good: someone coming from 1980 would be able to use Nautilus ;) My critics on that design: the tabs are nice and certainly help see that a class has a class side. Overall look is more up to date. Tabs headers, scroll bars, etc... take far too much space: work area (the code area) is 39% of overall window size, and 68% counting in the context (package, class, protocol and method) (Numbers are worse on a small window, of course, but I guess some do work on small screens). It will be nice to see simpler / cleaner Nautilus code coming along :) Thierry |
yes, of course you are right :) the GTools guys are working in a complete replacement, and I’m sure it will be a lot better… but we will always need a backdoor… and I would like to have a good browser even as a backdoor. (also, our philosophy is incremental: we improve what we have while we wait for the break-thru improvements) ps: for me the “code area” is not equivalent to the “work area”: I spend much more time understanding a problem than coding it, and for that a view of the method *in the context* is better)
for example: I try your alt browser time to time, because I find it has some good ideas. But since my workflow is usually: I dig a package, then I see the classes inside and try to figure out how they work together, then I read the comments, try to find examples, tests… then I finally go to the method level, and even that often with an eye into the class it belongs and even the package… so the AltBrowser is useless for me… it is really not confortable for me to use… and yes, it has a bigger code area, but that is not really relevant (for me). … and the traditional browser adapts a lot better to that way of doing. Now… real question is: I work that way because fits better my mind-model or my mind-model fits what the browser provides me? well, who knows… but back in my java days I also was using the “java browsing perspective” of Eclipse, who resembles a Smalltalk browser. Esteban
2015-08-19 11:59 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
Agreed for the need for a simple, safe browser just in case (developping a browser in a. I'm certainly looking forward for the ideas
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
Le 19 août 2015 à 11:34, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
It could be a toolbar of the code pane ;) This way, it will be a toolbar at the top of the code pane but will be in the middle of the window as before. |
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
Hitting send too early :(
2015-08-19 11:59 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
I'm certainly looking forward for the GT-based system browser results, while probably I won't be using it; some of the design / implementation choices of the GT tools just don't fit the way I work, and I feel down by just looking at how clumsy and slow I become when using them.
Agreed. I still miss a bit the OmniBrowser I started Pharo with... Especially the code regularity and architecture.
That's why I added the 68% result: I do agree that the context matter; I still think that the overhead is too high.
I think I more or less do the same, but with a slightly different approach, with for example a lot of scoping (to a class, to a package, implementors, senders, finder). I especially rely on the fact that I stay in the browser task model (but with multiple windows) all the time while doing that; I don't have to deal with disparate tools (Spotter, Finder, MessageList). I also like the fact I can see both class and instance side methods at the same time...
The good question we have here is that our search/exploration/understanding strategies are different, but based on the same building blocks... So there is some Moldable issue there as per the GT group, but not inside the tool as they are currently doing, instead the tool itself has to be moldable (or what is the tool). Now, I'm so attuned to the Alt Browser tree view that I prefer it in any case... even to the point that I can do short and fast smalltalk edits directly on github through the web interface. Thierry
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
I *very* much like this concept of tabs rather buttons. Some ideas... You could have a [Scoped] tab next to [Packages]. Actually, beyond providing a label (which I do like), the [Classes] tab doesn't seem to serve much purpose. So maybe spread one tabbing area across the top of both panes 1 & 2. Then you have more room for multiple tabs... [Packages/Classes] [ Scope1] [Scope]. This area might scroll tabs horizontally. You should be able to rename a tab by direct action - just double-clicking or similar. Above panes 3 & 4, there seems there might be room to name the tabs... [Instance protocols/methods] [Class protocols/methods] [Variables] and eliminate one level of tabs. I like how panes 3 & 4 seems joined together. The same would look nice between panes 1 & 2. This conveys in a subtle way the panes are paired together. A nice shortcut to ]add packages to a scoped tab would be... Ctrl-C in [Packages/Classes] tab to copy selected packages Ctrl-V in [ScopeXX] tab to. Can [Definition] tab be named [Instances Definition] - and to be clear, I do think plural is correct. Or... maybe that gets confusing since we often talk about a "Class Definition" while looking at the instance-side definition. Perhaps they should be [Definition] [Meta Definition][Comment] Or alternatively, I rarely see definitions taking up much of the code space. Now since previously the <Class-side> checkbox was tied to mode of both definition and methods, but here tabs would seem to allow these to be selected independently... perhaps there might be a single [Definition] tab split vertically into two panes showing instance-side and class-side definitions at the same time. Or maybe just one pane but the text of class-sdie definition appended to instance-side definition. Perhaps selecting a method #myMethod adds a code pane tab [myMethod]. The name of the tab would change each time a different method is selected, but also you could pin a tab, thus making use of the empty space to the right of the [Comment] tab. One thing that sometimes annoys me with current Nautilus, is that to view a class definition, I need to deselect the method and loose my context there. Tabs seem a great way to be able to flick back and forth without loosing context. cheers -ben
Yeah I did not phrase it the way I wanted it. I have used scoped several times to understands its purpose but each time I failed to see why its useful. I fail to see why opening a browser that displays a single package is important. But I guess if that's what people like , I can always ignore that button :) I have to confess I was never and probably will never be a fan of the system browser. I think the overall Smalltalk design wastes a lot of GUI space and provides me with info I mostly not need. Like a continuous display of a list of packages, classes and protocols / methods when the only thing I need to see all the time is the method source. On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 3:58 PM Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
For example, let's say your project has a class that implements a generically-named method, like #asMorph. If you try to rename that method via Refactoring, Pharo will try to rename all #asMorph methods, and update all senders, in the entire system, not just yours. But if you scope the browser first to your package or class, you can restrict the environment to which the refactoring is applied. I agree. It was probably well-suited to the context in which it was invented, but I think we could do much better today. However: - IMHO there is value in having a really-great-old-thing that empowers us to create an entirely new thing - as mentioned, it's good to have a simple and robust fallback behind a revolutionary new tool
Sean |
2015-08-19 16:46 GMT+02:00 Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]>: kilon.alios wrote A good example of scoping is finding all the senders of new in a package ;)
Yes! You like it when you just managed to make your main browser unusable, or when your browser shows you something strange and you need to qualify it as a bug or as something which was already there, but invisible ;) You also need the old browser to understand how to do things; it's the only documentation you have access to. Thierry
In reply to this post by Ben Coman
On 19-08-15 14:58, Ben Coman wrote:
> One thing that sometimes annoys me with current Nautilus, is that to > view a class definition, I need to deselect the method and loose my > context there. Tabs seem a great way to be able to flick back and forth > without loosing context. Nice example. That is functionality that could be well delivered by having a hover popup over the class name showing the class definition. Stephan |
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
On 19-08-15 11:20, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> This sounds like a neat idea (although I don't know if Moprhic > understands "hold button for X time"). Take a look at how MouseClickState is used in HandMorph>>waitForClicksOrDrag: aMorph event: evt selectors: clickAndDragSelectors threshold: threshold Stephan |
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:51 PM Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote: kilon.alios wrote This sounds useful indeed. Is just the browser aware of the scope or is also the pharo environment aware of the scope too ? It would be nice if the scope could expand to include multiple packages , or is this something left to groups ? |
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