Hi Shawon,
I'm not familiar with FreeCAD, but there are a few general methods for
connecting Pharo with other software applications.
The lowest-level method would be to use the Pharo uFFI (Universal Foreign
Function Interface), which would be appropriate if FreeCAD has an API/ABI
(Application Programming|Binary Interface); this would allow you to directly
connect Pharo via a C programming interface.
There is a PDF booklet to introduce you to the uFFI here:
https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/Booklet-uFFI/releasesPharo can also control other software through a command shell interface.
This would allow a Pharo application to launch FreeCAD (with command line
parameters); you may need to do this to get FreeCAD running in order to
connect to it. Christopher Fuhrman has written a good description of how
this can be done here:
https://fuhrmanator.github.io/2019/03/16/LibC-Pharo-experiments.htmlAnd since you are learning about Pharo, you will probably want to read at
least the first two of three Pharo Tutorial Series booklets. Here is the
https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoByExample80/releasesand the second one is here, third row from the bottom, "Deep into Pharo":
http://books.pharo.org/Have fun, and ask questions as you need to!
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