Need for atomic import?

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Need for atomic import?

Hi folks!

With the new shiny compiler tool chain that Nicolas pushed recently came
full br0kenness to the main Amber Makefile in the st directory.

I attached a still broken but "improved" version of it, it now compiles
and exports Compiler-IR and Compiler-Exceptions fine - but then it tries
to chew Compiler-Core and it all goes to HELL :)

SIDENOTE: Need to use attached has a tiny dependency
hack-fix. Can't reference InlinedCodeGenerator because it is in
Compiler-Inlining which depends on Core... (and round you go!)

TO TRY: Put both files in amber/st and do "make clean && make"

Now, without even looking that close, it seems pretty obvious that
Compiler redefining class Compiler etc will break hard. I think we have
just been "lucky" before - possibly because we have managed to avoid
"large changes to Compiler" between full compiles etc.

Anyway, so one way to "fix" this is to introduce "atomic compiling" or
"atomic import" which might be even more useful (then we can import x
number of packages in one go).

I guess one way to "hack" this is by prefixing classnames during import
so that we make sure we do not overwcommittedrite any existing classes.
And then simply "replace" all touched classes in one big swooooop at the

Other ideas? Other solutions to the cutting-off-the-branch-we-sit-on?

regards, Göran (31K) Download Attachment
Makefile (5K) Download Attachment
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Re: Need for atomic import?

Nicolas Petton
Hey Göran!

Your solution seems interesting, maybe we could talk about it
#amber-lang this afternoon?


On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 09:55:16 +0200, Göran Krampe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi folks!
> With the new shiny compiler tool chain that Nicolas pushed recently came
> full br0kenness to the main Amber Makefile in the st directory.
> I attached a still broken but "improved" version of it, it now compiles
> and exports Compiler-IR and Compiler-Exceptions fine - but then it tries
> to chew Compiler-Core and it all goes to HELL :)
> SIDENOTE: Need to use attached has a tiny dependency
> hack-fix. Can't reference InlinedCodeGenerator because it is in
> Compiler-Inlining which depends on Core... (and round you go!)
> TO TRY: Put both files in amber/st and do "make clean && make"
> Now, without even looking that close, it seems pretty obvious that
> Compiler redefining class Compiler etc will break hard. I think we have
> just been "lucky" before - possibly because we have managed to avoid
> "large changes to Compiler" between full compiles etc.
> Anyway, so one way to "fix" this is to introduce "atomic compiling" or
> "atomic import" which might be even more useful (then we can import x
> number of packages in one go).
> I guess one way to "hack" this is by prefixing classnames during import
> so that we make sure we do not overwcommittedrite any existing classes.
> And then simply "replace" all touched classes in one big swooooop at the
> end.
> Other ideas? Other solutions to the cutting-off-the-branch-we-sit-on?
> regards, Göran
> Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler-Core' properties: #{}!
> Object subclass: #Compiler
> instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source unknownVariables codeGeneratorClass'
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !Compiler commentStamp!
> I provide the public interface for compiling Amber source code into JavaScript.
> The code generator used to produce JavaScript can be plugged with `#codeGeneratorClass`.
> The default code generator is an instance of `InlinedCodeGenerator`!
> !Compiler methodsFor: 'accessing'!
> codeGeneratorClass
> ^codeGeneratorClass ifNil: [Smalltalk current at: 'InliningCodeGenerator']
> !
> codeGeneratorClass: aClass
> codeGeneratorClass := aClass
> !
> currentClass
> ^currentClass
> !
> currentClass: aClass
> currentClass := aClass
> !
> source
> ^source ifNil: ['']
> !
> source: aString
> source := aString
> !
> unknownVariables
> ^unknownVariables
> !
> unknownVariables: aCollection
> unknownVariables := aCollection
> ! !
> !Compiler methodsFor: 'compiling'!
> compile: aString
> ^self compileNode: (self parse: aString)
> !
> compile: aString forClass: aClass
> self currentClass: aClass.
> self source: aString.
> ^self compile: aString
> !
> compileExpression: aString
> self currentClass: DoIt.
> self source: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'.
> ^self compileNode: (self parse: self source)
> !
> compileNode: aNode
> | generator result |
> generator := self codeGeneratorClass new.
> generator
> source: self source;
> currentClass: self currentClass.
> result := generator compileNode: aNode.
> self unknownVariables: #().
> ^result
> !
> eval: aString
> <return eval(aString)>
> !
> evaluateExpression: aString
> "Unlike #eval: evaluate a Smalltalk expression and answer the returned object"
> | result |
> DoIt addCompiledMethod: (self eval: (self compileExpression: aString)).
> result := DoIt new doIt.
> DoIt removeCompiledMethod: (DoIt methodDictionary at: 'doIt').
> ^result
> !
> install: aString forClass: aBehavior category: anotherString
> | compiled |
> compiled := self eval: (self compile: aString forClass: aBehavior).
> compiled category: anotherString.
> aBehavior addCompiledMethod: compiled.
> ^compiled
> !
> parse: aString
>     ^Smalltalk current parse: aString
> !
> parseExpression: aString
>     ^self parse: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'
> !
> recompile: aClass
> aClass methodDictionary do: [:each |
> console log: aClass name, ' >> ', each selector.
> self install: each source forClass: aClass category: each category].
> self setupClass: aClass.
> aClass isMetaclass ifFalse: [self recompile: aClass class]
> !
> recompileAll
> Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
> Transcript show: each; cr.
> [self recompile: each] valueWithTimeout: 100]
> !
> setupClass: aClass
> <smalltalk.init(aClass)>
> ! !
> !Compiler class methodsFor: 'compiling'!
> recompile: aClass
> self new recompile: aClass
> !
> recompileAll
> Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
> self recompile: each]
> ! !
> Object subclass: #DoIt
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !DoIt commentStamp!
> `DoIt` is the class used to compile and evaluate expressions. See `Compiler >> evaluateExpression:`.!
> Object subclass: #NodeVisitor
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !NodeVisitor commentStamp!
> I am the abstract super class of all AST node visitors.!
> !NodeVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'!
> visit: aNode
> ^ aNode accept: self
> !
> visitAll: aCollection
> ^ aCollection do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
> !
> visitAssignmentNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitBlockNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
> ^ self visitSequenceNode: aNode
> !
> visitCascadeNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
> ^ self visitVariableNode: aNode
> !
> visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitJSStatementNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitMethodNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitNode: aNode
> ^ self visitAll: aNode nodes
> !
> visitReturnNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitSendNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitSequenceNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitValueNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> !
> visitVariableNode: aNode
> ^ self visitNode: aNode
> ! !
> NodeVisitor subclass: #AbstractCodeGenerator
> instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source'
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !AbstractCodeGenerator commentStamp!
> I am the abstract super class of all code generators and provide their common API.!
> !AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
> classNameFor: aClass
> ^aClass isMetaclass
>    ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, '.klass']
>    ifFalse: [
> aClass isNil
>    ifTrue: ['nil']
>    ifFalse: [aClass name]]
> !
> currentClass
> ^currentClass
> !
> currentClass: aClass
> currentClass := aClass
> !
> pseudoVariables
> ^#('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil' 'thisContext')
> !
> safeVariableNameFor: aString
> ^(Smalltalk current reservedWords includes: aString)
> ifTrue: [aString, '_']
> ifFalse: [aString]
> !
> source
> ^source ifNil: ['']
> !
> source: aString
> source := aString
> ! !
> !AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
> compileNode: aNode
> self subclassResponsibility
> ! !
> AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #CodeGenerator
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !CodeGenerator commentStamp!
> I am a basic code generator. I generate a valid JavaScript output, but no not perform any inlining.
> See `InliningCodeGenerator` for an optimized JavaScript code generation.!
> !CodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
> compileNode: aNode
> | ir stream |
> self semanticAnalyzer visit: aNode.
> ir := self translator visit: aNode.
> ^ self irTranslator
> visit: ir;
> contents
> !
> irTranslator
> ^ IRJSTranslator new
> !
> semanticAnalyzer
> ^ SemanticAnalyzer on: self currentClass
> !
> translator
> ^ IRASTTranslator new
> source: self source;
> theClass: self currentClass;
> yourself
> ! !
> AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #FunCodeGenerator
> instanceVariableNames: 'stream nestedBlocks earlyReturn currentSelector unknownVariables tempVariables messageSends referencedClasses classReferenced argVariables'
> package: 'Compiler-Core'!
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
> argVariables
> ^argVariables copy
> !
> knownVariables
> ^self pseudoVariables
> addAll: self tempVariables;
> addAll: self argVariables;
> yourself
> !
> tempVariables
> ^tempVariables copy
> !
> unknownVariables
> ^unknownVariables copy
> ! !
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
> compileNode: aNode
> stream := '' writeStream.
> self visit: aNode.
> ^stream contents
> ! !
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'initialization'!
> initialize
> super initialize.
> stream := '' writeStream.
> unknownVariables := #().
> tempVariables := #().
> argVariables := #().
> messageSends := #().
> classReferenced := #()
> ! !
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'optimizations'!
> checkClass: aClassName for: receiver
>         stream nextPutAll: '((($receiver = ', receiver, ').klass === smalltalk.', aClassName, ') ? '
> !
> inline: aSelector receiver: receiver argumentNodes: aCollection
>         | inlined |
>         inlined := false.
> "-- Booleans --"
> (aSelector = 'ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
> aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(!! $receiver ? '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '() : nil)'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
> aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '($receiver ? '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '() : nil)'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifTrue:ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
> (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '($receiver ? '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
>           self visit: aCollection second.
>           stream nextPutAll: '())'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifFalse:ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
> (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(!! $receiver ? '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
>           self visit: aCollection second.
>           stream nextPutAll: '())'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> "-- Numbers --"
> (aSelector = '<') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver <'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
> (aSelector = '<=') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver <='.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
> (aSelector = '>') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver >'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
> (aSelector = '>=') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver >='.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
>         (aSelector = '+') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver +'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
>         (aSelector = '-') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver -'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
>         (aSelector = '*') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver *'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
>         (aSelector = '/') ifTrue: [
>                 self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
>                 stream nextPutAll: '$receiver /'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true].
>         ^inlined
> !
> inlineLiteral: aSelector receiverNode: anObject argumentNodes: aCollection
>         | inlined |
>         inlined := false.
> "-- BlockClosures --"
> (aSelector = 'whileTrue:') ifTrue: [
>           (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while('.
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()) {'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '()}})()'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'whileFalse:') ifTrue: [
>           (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while(!!'.
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()) {'.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>           stream nextPutAll: '()}})()'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'whileTrue') ifTrue: [
>           anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while('.
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()) {}})()'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'whileFalse') ifTrue: [
>           anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>                 stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while(!!'.
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()) {}})()'.
>                 inlined := true]].
> "-- Numbers --"
> (aSelector = '+') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' + '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '-') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' - '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '*') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' * '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '/') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' / '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '<') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' < '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '<=') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' <= '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '>') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' > '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = '>=') ifTrue: [
>           (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
>                   self visit: anObject.
>                   stream nextPutAll: ' >= '.
>                 self visit: aCollection first.
>                 inlined := true]].
> "-- UndefinedObject --"
> (aSelector = 'ifNil:') ifTrue: [
> aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>           stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
>           self visit: anObject.
>           stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
>                   self visit: aCollection first.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '() : $receiver'.
>                   inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
> aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
>           stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
>           self visit: anObject.
>           stream nextPutAll: ') !!= nil && $receiver !!= undefined) ? '.
>                   self visit: aCollection first.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '() : nil'.
>                   inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifNil:ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
> (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>           stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
>           self visit: anObject.
>           stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
>                   self visit: aCollection first.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
>                   self visit: aCollection second.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()'.
>                   inlined := true]].
> (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:ifNil:') ifTrue: [
> (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
>           stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
>           self visit: anObject.
>           stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
>                   self visit: aCollection second.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
>                   self visit: aCollection first.
>                   stream nextPutAll: '()'.
>                   inlined := true]].
>         ^inlined
> !
> isNode: aNode ofClass: aClass
> ^aNode isValueNode and: [
>           aNode value class = aClass or: [
>           aNode value = 'self' and: [self currentClass = aClass]]]
> ! !
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'testing'!
> performOptimizations
> ^self class performOptimizations
> ! !
> !FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'visiting'!
> send: aSelector to: aReceiver arguments: aCollection superSend: aBoolean
> ^String streamContents: [:str || tmp |
>         tmp := stream.
> str nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.send('.
> str nextPutAll: aReceiver.
> str nextPutAll: ', "', aSelector asSelector, '", ['.
>                 stream := str.
> aCollection
>     do: [:each | self visit: each]
>     separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
>                 stream := tmp.
>                 str nextPutAll: ']'.
> aBoolean ifTrue: [
> str nextPutAll: ', smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: self currentClass), '.superclass || nil'].
> str nextPutAll: ')']
> !
> visit: aNode
> aNode accept: self
> !
> visitAssignmentNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: '('.
> self visit: aNode left.
> stream nextPutAll: '='.
> self visit: aNode right.
> stream nextPutAll: ')'
> !
> visitBlockNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: '(function('.
> aNode parameters
>    do: [:each |
> tempVariables add: each.
> stream nextPutAll: each]
>    separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
> stream nextPutAll: '){'.
> aNode nodes do: [:each | self visit: each].
> stream nextPutAll: '})'
> !
> visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
> | index |
> nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks + 1.
> aNode nodes isEmpty
>    ifTrue: [
> stream nextPutAll: 'return nil;']
>    ifFalse: [
> aNode temps do: [:each | | temp |
>                     temp := self safeVariableNameFor: each.
>    tempVariables add: temp.
>    stream nextPutAll: 'var ', temp, '=nil;'; lf].
> index := 0.
> aNode nodes do: [:each |
>    index := index + 1.
>    index = aNode nodes size ifTrue: [
> stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
>    self visit: each.
>    stream nextPutAll: ';']].
> nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks - 1
> !
> visitCascadeNode: aNode
> | index |
> index := 0.
> (tempVariables includes: '$rec') ifFalse: [
> tempVariables add: '$rec'].
> stream nextPutAll: '(function($rec){'.
> aNode nodes do: [:each |
>    index := index + 1.
>    index = aNode nodes size ifTrue: [
> stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
>    each receiver: (VariableNode new value: '$rec').
>    self visit: each.
>    stream nextPutAll: ';'].
> stream nextPutAll: '})('.
> self visit: aNode receiver.
> stream nextPutAll: ')'
> !
> visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
> (referencedClasses includes: aNode value) ifFalse: [
> referencedClasses add: aNode value].
> stream nextPutAll: '(smalltalk.', aNode value, ' || ', aNode value, ')'
> !
> visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: '['.
> aNode nodes
> do: [:each | self visit: each]
> separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
> stream nextPutAll: ']'
> !
> visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.HashedCollection._fromPairs_(['.
> aNode nodes
> do: [:each | self visit: each]
> separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
> stream nextPutAll: '])'
> !
> visitFailure: aFailure
> self error: aFailure asString
> !
> visitJSStatementNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: aNode source
> !
> visitMethodNode: aNode
> | str currentSelector |
> currentSelector := aNode selector asSelector.
> nestedBlocks := 0.
> earlyReturn := false.
> messageSends := #().
> referencedClasses := #().
> unknownVariables := #().
> tempVariables := #().
> argVariables := #().
> stream
>    nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({'; lf;
>    nextPutAll: 'selector: "', aNode selector, '",'; lf.
> stream nextPutAll: 'source: ', self source asJavascript, ',';lf.
> stream nextPutAll: 'fn: function('.
> aNode arguments
>    do: [:each |
> argVariables add: each.
> stream nextPutAll: each]
>    separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
> stream
>    nextPutAll: '){'; lf;
>    nextPutAll: 'var self=this;'; lf.
> str := stream.
> stream := '' writeStream.
> aNode nodes do: [:each |
>    self visit: each].
> earlyReturn ifTrue: [
>    str nextPutAll: 'var $early={};'; lf; nextPutAll: 'try{'].
> str nextPutAll: stream contents.
> stream := str.
> stream
>    lf;
>    nextPutAll: 'return self;'.
> earlyReturn ifTrue: [
>    stream lf; nextPutAll: '} catch(e) {if(e===$early)return e[0]; throw e}'].
> stream nextPutAll: '}'.
> stream
> nextPutAll: ',', String lf, 'messageSends: ';
> nextPutAll: messageSends asJavascript, ','; lf;
>           nextPutAll: 'args: ', argVariables asJavascript, ','; lf;
> nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ['.
> referencedClasses
> do: [:each | stream nextPutAll: each printString]
> separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
> stream nextPutAll: ']'.
> stream nextPutAll: '})'
> !
> visitReturnNode: aNode
> nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: [
>    earlyReturn := true].
> nestedBlocks > 0
>    ifTrue: [
> stream
>    nextPutAll: '(function(){throw $early=[']
>    ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
> aNode nodes do: [:each |
>    self visit: each].
> nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: [
>    stream nextPutAll: ']})()']
> !
> visitSendNode: aNode
>         | str receiver superSend inlined |
>         str := stream.
>         (messageSends includes: aNode selector) ifFalse: [
>                 messageSends add: aNode selector].
>         stream := '' writeStream.
>         self visit: aNode receiver.
>         superSend := stream contents = 'super'.
>         receiver := superSend ifTrue: ['self'] ifFalse: [stream contents].
>         stream := str.
> self performOptimizations
> ifTrue: [
> (self inlineLiteral: aNode selector receiverNode: aNode receiver argumentNodes: aNode arguments) ifFalse: [
> (self inline: aNode selector receiver: receiver argumentNodes: aNode arguments)
>                 ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: ' : ', (self send: aNode selector to: '$receiver' arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend), ')']
>                 ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: (self send: aNode selector to: receiver arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend)]]]
> ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: (self send: aNode selector to: receiver arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend)]
> !
> visitSequenceNode: aNode
> aNode temps do: [:each || temp |
>             temp := self safeVariableNameFor: each.
>    tempVariables add: temp.
>    stream nextPutAll: 'var ', temp, '=nil;'; lf].
> aNode nodes do: [:each |
>    self visit: each.
>    stream nextPutAll: ';']
>    separatedBy: [stream lf]
> !
> visitValueNode: aNode
> stream nextPutAll: aNode value asJavascript
> !
> visitVariableNode: aNode
> | varName |
> (self currentClass allInstanceVariableNames includes: aNode value)
> ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: 'self[''@', aNode value, ''']']
> ifFalse: [
>                   varName := self safeVariableNameFor: aNode value.
> (self knownVariables includes: varName)
>                   ifFalse: [
>                                   unknownVariables add: aNode value.
>                                   aNode assigned
>                                   ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: varName]
>                                   ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: '(typeof ', varName, ' == ''undefined'' ? nil : ', varName, ')']]
>                   ifTrue: [
>                                   aNode value = 'thisContext'
>                                   ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: '(smalltalk.getThisContext())']
>                 ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: varName]]]
> ! !
> FunCodeGenerator class instanceVariableNames: 'performOptimizations'!
> !FunCodeGenerator class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
> performOptimizations
> ^performOptimizations ifNil: [true]
> !
> performOptimizations: aBoolean
> performOptimizations := aBoolean
> ! !
> #
> # This Makefile takes .st files in the amber/st directory and produces compiled
> # javascript files from them, for both debug and deployment.
> #
> # Where we find the current runnable code and where we put our js files on install
> JS := ../js/
> # The compiler script
> AMBERC := ../bin/amberc
> # Generic flags to AMBERC
> FLAGS   := -d
> # All corresponding js filenames for every st file available
> # In other words, if we have and, then OBJECTS will be "Kernel.js Compiler.js"
> OBJECTS := $(patsubst,%.js,$(wildcard *.st))
> # Default make target since it is the first target in this Makefile
> all: $(OBJECTS)
> # Step by step
> #
> # First we copy the core javascript files from current working files
> # into this directory. These files are hand written or generated using
> # other tools (parser.js). $@ is the target name.
> boot.js init.js parser.js:
> cp ../js/$@ .
> # Then we compile Kernel-*.st files depending on having boot.js, init.js and parser.js
> # $< means the first dependency - in other words Kernel-*.st
> Kernel-Objects.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Classes.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Methods.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Collections.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Exceptions.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Transcript.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Kernel-Announcements.js: boot.js init.js parser.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # ...and Compiler, but using the new Kernel from above.
> # First we compile the IR wich is used by Core below
> Compiler-IR.js: Kernel-Objects.js Kernel-Classes.js Kernel-Methods.js Kernel-Collections.js \
> Kernel-Exceptions.js Kernel-Transcript.js Kernel-Announcements.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # Some exceptions are also needed in Core
> Compiler-Exceptions.js: Compiler-IR.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # Now we can compile Core linking in the two packages above BUT THIS FAILS BECAUSE COMPILER BREAKS ITSELF...
> Compiler-Core.js: Compiler-Exceptions.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l Compiler-IR,Compiler-Exceptions $<
> Compiler-Inlining.js: Compiler-Core.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l Compiler-IR,Compiler-Exceptions,Compiler-Core $<
> Compiler-AST.js: Compiler-Core.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Compiler-Semantic.js: Compiler-Core.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> Compiler.js: Compiler-AST.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # that we have a new Kernel and Compiler we use them
> # to compile the rest of st files presuming that they only depend on Kernel, like
> # for example Canvas.js and Benchfib.js.
> %.js: Compiler.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # But for some libraries there are more dependencies to care for. Then
> # we need to use -l so that the compiler first loads that library
> # before compiling the .st file. Otherwise bindings will fail.
> #
> # NOTE: With the new dependency model in class Package etc this will change!
> #
> Canvas.js:
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) $<
> # IDE uses JQuery
> IDE.js: Canvas.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l Canvas $<
> TrySmalltalk.js: IDE.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l Canvas,IDE $<
> # Some Examples use SUnit and also IDE
> Examples.js: SUnit.js IDE.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l SUnit,Canvas,IDE $<
> # Tests typically also use SUnit
> Kernel-Tests.js: SUnit.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l SUnit $<
> Compiler-Tests.js: SUnit.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l SUnit $<
> # Documentation
> Documentation.js: Canvas.js
> $(AMBERC) $(FLAGS) -l Canvas $<;
> # Installing is simply copying all js files to js directory.
> install: all
> cp *.js $(JS)
> # And cleaning is trivial also
> clean:
> rm -f *.js
> # These three are phony
> .PHONY: all install clean

Nicolas Petton