Need help putting COM puzzle together

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Need help putting COM puzzle together

THE PROBLEM:  I want to download a file from the Internet and display a progress bar
during the download.


  URLMonLibrary>>urlOpenBlockingStream: szURL: ppStream: dwReserved: lpfnCB:

passing an instance of "IBindStatusCallback" as the lpfnCB argument.  As the file is
being downloaded,  the "IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress" method will be called
with status info.  Hook up this method up to the progress bar view.

THE PUZZLE:  I need to create a IBindStatusCallback class.  This will be a subclass
of IUnknown.  I believe that this COM interface class can be generated using the
Dolphin ActiveX Component wizard.  However, I get an error when I try to do so
with the Urlmon.dll file.  Anyone know how to get the ActiveX wizard to generate
the class?  Thanks.