Need help to build web projects gallery for school project

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Need help to build web projects gallery for school project

I'll need to build a web gallery of projects of younger students (7-9 years), but unable to use the old php script to list all the projects in a directory, because the current Etoys don't save project thumbnails (e.g. project.001.gif). It's possible to have a script that reads the png thumb inside the project and show it in a web page? Who can help?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Need help to build web projects gallery for school project

Bert Freudenberg
On 25.06.2011, at 12:56, valente wrote:

> I'll need to build a web gallery of projects of younger students (7-9 years), but unable to use the old php script to list all the projects in a directory, because the current Etoys don't save project thumbnails (e.g. project.001.gif). It's possible to have a script that reads the png thumb inside the project and show it in a web page? Who can help?

for f in *.pr ; do unzip -o "$f" thumbnail.png && mv thumbnail.png "$f".png ; done

- Bert -

> Thanks in advance.
> LValente

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